Test Plan for StationChoppingComponent - UQcsse3200/2024-studio-3 GitHub Wiki

The purpose of this plan is to test the basic functionality of the chopping component.

Test Environment

  • Framework: JUnit4
  • Objects Used: Chopping Board

Test Cases - Testing ChoppingComponent

Ingredient Starts Chopping


The purpose of this test is to verify that an ingredient starts chopping when the chopping event is triggered.

Test Method:


Expected Outcome:

When the 'Chop Ingredient' event is triggered, the getIsChopping() method of the ChopIngredientComponent should return true.

Ingredient Stops Chopping After Starting


The purpose of this test is to verify that an ingredient starts chopping and then stops when a certain event is triggered.

Test Method:


Expected Outcomes:

  • When the 'Chop Ingredient' event is triggered, the getIsChopping() method should return true.
  • When the 'Stop Chopping Ingredient' event is triggered, the event getIsChopping method should return false.

Test that ingredient chops


The purpose of this test is to verify that an ingredient completes chopping after the specified chopping duration has elapsed.

Test Method:


Expected Outcome:

  • When the 'Chop Ingredient' event is triggered, the getIsChopping() method should return true.
  • After chopEntity.update() is called, chopItem() should be triggered, and getIsChopping() should return false.

Test that rage mode reduces chopping time


The purpose of this test is to verify that the rageMode event triggers reduced chopping time.

Test Method:


Expected Outcome:

  • When the rageModeOn event is triggered, the ingredient should be chopped instantly as set by the chopIngredient trigger called as soon as rage mode is turned on.