Test Plan for IngredientStationHandlerComponent - UQcsse3200/2024-studio-3 GitHub Wiki

The purpose of this plan is to test the basic functionality of the StationFactory calsss components.

Test Environment

  • Framework: JUnit4
  • Objects Used: IngredientStationHandler, InventoryComponent, StationCollectionComponent

Test Cases - Testing IngredientStationHandlerComponent

Test that Station Gives Item to Player


The purpose of this test is to verify that the station gives the correct item to the player.

Test Method:


Expected Outcome:

  • The player inventory should contain the item provided by the station.
  • The station should spawn another item in it after a player collects one.
  • The player inventory display should be updated.

Test Interaction When Full Inventory


The purpose of this test is to verify that no item should be added to inventory if it is full already.

Test Method:


Expected Outcome:

  • The player inventory should remain full and unchanged.
  • The station inventory should remain the same with no item being removed or replaced.

Test Station Repopulate After Giving Item


The purpose of this test is to verify that a station respawns an item in its inventory after the player takes one out of it.

Test Method:


Expected Outcome:

  • The player should receive the item from the stations inventory.
  • The station should immediately repopulate the item that was taken.

Test No Interaction on Non-Default Type


The purpose of this test is to verify that the interaction with the station does not occur if the interaction type is different from the expected default type.

Test Method:


Expected Outcome:

  • The player inventory should remain unchanged with no item added.
  • The stations inventory should remain unchanged with no item removed.