Scene Test Plan - UQcsse3200/2024-studio-3 GitHub Wiki

Test Environment:
Framework: JUnit 5
Objects Used: Scene, Vector2, Array<String> (Batched collections for scene text)

1. Background Image Path Setting and Retrieval

To verify that the background image path for the scene is correctly set and retrieved.

Expected Results:

  • The background image path should match the value that was set.
  • When getBackgroundImagePath() is called, it should return the correct background image path.

2. Animation Image Paths Setting and Retrieval

To verify that the animation image paths and their corresponding positions are correctly set and retrieved.

Expected Results:

  • The animation image paths should match the values that were set.
  • The animation positions should match the values that were set.
  • When getAnimationImagePaths() and getAnimationPositions() are called, they should return the correct animation image paths and positions, respectively.

3. Static Image Paths Setting and Retrieval

To verify that the static image paths, positions, and scales are correctly set and retrieved.

Expected Results:

  • The image paths should match the values that were set.
  • The image positions should match the values that were set.
  • The image scales should match the values that were set.
  • When getImagePaths(), getImagePositions(), and getImageScales() are called, they should return the correct values.

4. Scene Text Setting and Retrieval

To verify that the scene text is correctly set and retrieved.

Expected Results:

  • The scene text should match the values that were set.
  • When getSceneText() is called, it should return the correct array of scene text.

5. Scene Duration Setting and Retrieval

To verify that the scene duration is correctly set and retrieved.

Expected Results:

  • The scene duration should match the value that was set.
  • When getDuration() is called, it should return the correct scene duration.
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️