Sprint 1 Test Plan - UQcsse3200/2024-studio-2 GitHub Wiki

Sub-Feature Functionalities to be Tested & Validated

  • Enemy creation
  • Enemies show up in the game
  • Animations are loaded correctly
  • Enemies spawn correctly
  • Enemy NPCs rise from the ground based on player vicinity
  • Player Detection
  • Enemy NPCs correctly detect and react to the player
  • Combat Initiation
  • Enemy NPCs initiate combat depending on player vicinity.

Testing Methods

  • Visual Testing through running the game to ensure that:

    • Enemy NPCs have spawned in the correct locations.
    • Animations and textures have loaded for the monkey, chicken and frog.
    • Combat is initiated when a player collides with an enemy.
    • Run task makes the owner (monkey) run from player.
  • JUnit Tests to cover entity behaviour and event triggers (see Enemy NPC Test Cases)