Player Inventory Display - UQcsse3200/2024-studio-2 GitHub Wiki



The Player Inventory Display class is an extension of the Inventory Display class, specifically designed to add extra functionality such as a hotbar and drag-and-drop features. It manages the display of items in a player's inventory and provides enhanced functionality for potion usage and combat-specific inventory management.


  • Hotbar Management: Integrates a hotbar system for easy access to items.
  • Drag-and-Drop Functionality: Adds support for drag-and-drop operations between inventory slots.
  • Timed Potion Effects: Manages the usage of potions over time, especially during combat.
  • Contextual Item Descriptions: Displays detailed information about items when hovered over.
  • Combat Item Restrictions: Prevents the use of combat-restricted items outside of combat.

Key Components


  • ArrayList<TimedUseItem> potions: Stores active potions with timed effects. These items are updated or removed based on the player's context (combat or non-combat).


PlayerInventoryDisplay(Inventory inventory, int numCols, int hotBarCapacity)

  • Parameters:

    • inventory: The player's inventory.
    • numCols: Number of columns to display in the inventory UI.
    • hotBarCapacity: The maximum number of items allowed in the hotbar.
  • Description: Initializes the PlayerInventoryDisplay with an inventory, setting up the hotbar and basic inventory display configuration.


updatePotions(ItemUsageContext context)

  • Description: Updates the status of all active potions, applying their effects or removing them when necessary.

  • Parameters:

    • context: Provides the current context of item usage, such as whether the player is in combat or not.
  • Notes:

    • Removes potions that are no longer active or are restricted to combat.
    • Ensures potion effects are updated every time the inventory display is regenerated.

useItem(AbstractItem item, int index)

  • Description: Attempts to use an item and trigger its effects. If the item is a TimedUseItem, it is added to the list of active potions.

  • Parameters:

    • item: The item to be used.
    • index: The index of the item in the inventory.
  • Notes: This method is triggered whenever an item is used, and it ensures that the item's effects are applied and the necessary events are fired.

enterSlot(AbstractItem item)

  • Description: Displays the description or warning of an item when the user hovers over it.

  • Parameters:

    • item: The item being hovered over.
  • Notes:

    • Handles special cases for specific items like DefensePotion and AttackPotion by displaying their warnings.
    • Uses the DialogueBoxService to update the item description overlay.

exitSlot(AbstractItem item)

  • Description: Hides the item description when the cursor leaves the inventory slot.
  • Parameters:
    • item: The item that was being hovered over.


  • Description: Regenerates the entire inventory display. Also updates the status of active potions.
  • Notes: This method is useful when a refresh of the UI is required (e.g., when new items are added to the inventory).

tryUseItem(AbstractItem item, ItemUsageContext context, int index)

  • Description: Attempts to use a combat-specific item. If the player is not in combat, the item usage is prevented.

  • Parameters:

    • item: The item to be used.
    • context: The context of item usage (combat or non-combat).
    • index: The index of the item in the inventory.
  • Notes: If the item is flagged as a "combat-only" item, it will log a warning and prevent usage outside of combat.


  • itemUsed: Triggered whenever an item is used by the player.

Example Usage

Class: PlayerFactory

Function: createPlayer

// Add inventory from player
InventoryComponent inventoryComponent = new InventoryComponent(50);
        .addComponent(new PlayerInventoryDisplay(inventoryComponent.getInventory(), 9, 5))
        .addComponent(new LootBoxOverlayComponent());
player.addComponent(new AchievementPopup());