Minimize Toggle - UQcsse3200/2024-studio-2 GitHub Wiki

Toggle Fullscreen Button

Description: The toggleWindowBtn is a button that allows the user to switch between full-screen and windowed modes in the game.

Location: Top-right corner of the screen.

Functionality: When in full-screen mode, the button switches the display to a mini-mode with a resolution of 1200 x 750 pixels and if in mini mode, the button switches the display to full-screen mode using the display's default resolution.

Layout & Use Case: The text on the button updates based on the current mode: "+" indicates the game is in min-mode and can be maximized and "-" indicates the game is in full-screen mode and can be minimized.

Logging: The button also logs the action taken (whether full-screen was toggled on or off) for debugging purposes.