Friendly Bigsawfish - UQcsse3200/2024-studio-2 GitHub Wiki

Biggie Smalls the Bigsawfish

Biggie Smalls the Bigsawfish is a resident of the water kingdom and offers general in-game player interaction. There are multiple Biggie Smalls' scattered throughout the water kingdom. As a standard Converted Friendly NPC, Biggie Smalls exhibits typical behaviour patterns, enriching the player's experience with helpful guidance.

Base NPC Attributes

 - "baseHint": [["Welcome to Animal Kingdom!","I am Biggie Smalls the Bigsawfish."]],
 - "spritePath": "images/bigsawfish.atlas",
 - "animationSpeed": 0.2,
 - "soundPath": ["sounds/bigsawfish.wav"],
 - "animalName": "Bigsawfish",
 - "itemProbability": 0.0

Drawing Bigsawfish

Details on Bigsawfish animation

Testing Plan

EntityConverter Testing

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️