Enemy NPC Test Cases - UQcsse3200/2024-studio-2 GitHub Wiki

The following components are being tested as part of the enemy creation and combat feature:

Enemy NPC Factory Tests

Enemy Factory Tests


View Enemy Factory Tests

CreateMonkey(): Creates monkey entity

createchicken(): Creates chicken entity

createFrog: Creates Frog entity

createBaseEnemy: Creates Base Enemy

Chicken Animation Controller:


create(): Initialises the component and sets up event listeners

animateSpawn(): Plays the "spawn" animation

animateChaseLeft(): Plays the "walk" animation and flips the sprite to face left

animateChaseRight(): Plays the "walk" animation and flips the sprite to face right

animateWanderLeft(): Plays the "walk" animation and flips the sprite to face left

animateWanderRight(): Plays the "walk" animation and flips the sprite to face right

Frog Animation Tests:


create(): Initialises the component and sets up event listeners

animateWanderLeft(): Plays the "float" animation and flips the sprite to face left

animateWanderRight(): Plays the "float" animation and flips the sprite to face right

animateChaseLeft(): Plays the "angry_float" animation and flips the sprite to face left

animateChaseRight(): Plays the "angry_float" animation and flips the sprite to face right

Monkey Animation Tests:


create(): Initialises the component and sets up event listeners

animateRunDown(): Plays the "run_down" animation, likely used when the character is running downwards

animateRunUp(): Plays the "run_up" animation, likely used when the character is running upwards

animateRunLeft(): Plays the "run_left" animation, likely used when the character is running to the left

animateRunRight(): Plays the "run_right" animation, likely used when the character is running to the right

animateRunLeftDown(): Plays the "run_left_down" animation, likely used when the character is running diagonally down to the left

animateRunRightDown(): Plays the "run_right_down" animation, likely used when the character is running diagonally down to the right

animateRunLeftUp(): Plays the "run_left_up" animation, likely used when the character is running diagonally up to the left

animateRunRightUp(): Plays the "run_right_up" animation, likely used when the character is running diagonally up to the right

Spawn Task


View Spawn Task Tests

SpawnTask(Vector2 spawnPosition, float spawnDuration): Constructor for the SpawnTask class, initialises the task with the spawn position and duration

getSpawnPosition(): Returns the position where the entity will be spawned

getSpawnDuration(): Returns the duration of the spawn task

getElapsedTime(): Returns the elapsed time since the spawn task started

getPriority(): Returns the priority of this task, with higher values indicating higher priority

start(): Starts the spawn task, positioning the entity at the spawn location and triggering the "spawnChicken" event

completeTask(): Completes the spawn task, stopping it and cleaning up if necessary

stop(): Stops the spawn task, cleaning up if necessary. Inherits from DefaultTask.



View ProximityComponent Tests

ProximityComponent(): Constructor for the ProximityComponent

update(): Updates the component's state based on the entity's position relative to the target

setupSpawnAnimation(Entity entity): Sets up the spawn animation for the given entity.

Touch Attack Component


View Touch Attack Component Tests

TouchAttackComponent(): Constructor for the TouchAttackComponent

create(): Creates the component and sets up event listeners

onCollisionStart: Handles the "collisionStart" event

Projectile Factory Tests

Tests the creation of projectiles, which is currently only the banana, to ensure they are instantiated correctly with the necessary components.


  • TestBananaCreation(): Tests the creation of a banana projectile.
  • TestBananaIsEntity(): Verifies that the created banana is an instance of the Entity class.
  • TestBananaHasComponents(): Ensures that the banana has all required components, such as PhysicsComponent, PhysicsMovementComponent, BananaAnimationController, ProjectileAttackComponent, HitboxComponent, and ColliderComponent.

Touch Attack Component Tests

Tests the TouchAttackComponent to verify that it correctly handles collision-based attack logic.


  • shouldNotAttackOtherLayer(): Verifies that the attack does not occur if the target entity is on a different physics layer.
  • shouldNotAttackWithoutCombatComponent(): Ensures that the attack is ignored if the target entity does not have a CombatStatsComponent.

Shoot Task Tests

Tests the ShootTask to verify its behaviour for firing projectiles when within range and the correct wait time has elapsed.


  • shouldShootWhenInRangeAndWaitTimeElapsed(): Verifies that the ShootTask fires a projectile (triggers the "FireBanana" event) when the target is within range and the wait time has passed.
  • shouldShootOnlyWhenInDistance(): Ensures that the ShootTask only fires when the target is within a specified distance range and does not shoot when the target is too far away.