Combat Animations - UQcsse3200/2024-studio-2 GitHub Wiki


The CombatAnimationDisplay class manages and implements animations for both players and enemies during combat. It extends UIComponent to add images to an invisible stage over the Combat Screen, providing a visual representation of combat actions.


The CombatAnimationDisplay is instantiated in the CombatManager class, which handles combat logic:

private final CombatAnimationDisplay combatAnimationDisplay = new CombatAnimationDisplay();

Animations are triggered through the animateCombat method, which takes into account both player and enemy actions, as well as which entity is faster:

combatAnimationDisplay.animateCombat(playerAction, enemyAction, playerIsFaster);

Key Methods


This method determines the order and timing of animations based on player and enemy actions:

public void animateCombat(CombatManager.Action playerAction, CombatManager.Action enemyAction, Boolean playerFaster) {
    if (playerAction == CombatManager.Action.ATTACK || enemyAction == CombatManager.Action.ATTACK) {
        if (playerAction == enemyAction && playerFaster) {
            Timer.schedule(new Timer.Task() {
                public void run() {
            }, bothAttackAnimationDelay);
        // ... (other conditions)
    // ... (other logic)

initiatePlayerAnimation and initiateEnemyAnimation

These methods trigger the appropriate animation based on the action:

public void initiatePlayerAnimation(CombatManager.Action animationType) {
    if (animationType == CombatManager.Action.ATTACK) {
    } else if (animationType == CombatManager.Action.GUARD) {
    } else if (animationType == CombatManager.Action.SLEEP) {

Specific Animations

  • playerAttackAnimation(): Animates a rock moving from player to enemy.
  • enemyAttackAnimation(): Animates a rock moving from enemy to player.
  • sleepAnimation(): Displays "zzz" above the sleeping entity.
  • guardAnimation(): Shows a shield for the guarding entity.

Animation Images

Move Animation Image Description
Attack attack image The attack animation is a rock being thrown, as rocks can be seen anywhere in the world and can be easily utilised by animals to fight each other.
Sleep sleep image The Z's animation is used as it is universal when related to sleep, and matches the brighter aesthetic of the game, calming down the potentially dark nature of combat.
Guard guard image The shield animation is used for guarding as a shield is usually what is associated when protecting one's self.

Notable Features

  • Use of Timer and Timer.Task for timed animations independent of combat logic speed.
  • Adaptation to different kingdom types (e.g., WATER) for positioning animations.
  • Scaling of animations based on stage dimensions for consistency across different screen sizes.

Class Diagram

    UIComponent <|-- CombatAnimationDisplay
    CombatAnimationDisplay : -Image combatImage
    CombatAnimationDisplay : -Image guardImage
    CombatAnimationDisplay : -Image sleepImage
    CombatAnimationDisplay : -Image enemyCombatImage
    CombatAnimationDisplay : -Image enemySleepImage
    CombatAnimationDisplay : -Image enemyGuardImage
    CombatAnimationDisplay : +animateCombat(playerAction, enemyAction, playerFaster)
    CombatAnimationDisplay : +initiatePlayerAnimation(animationType)
    CombatAnimationDisplay : +initiateEnemyAnimation(animationType)
    CombatAnimationDisplay : -playerAttackAnimation()
    CombatAnimationDisplay : -enemyAttackAnimation()
    CombatAnimationDisplay : -sleepAnimation()
    CombatAnimationDisplay : -guardAnimation()
    CombatAnimationDisplay : +dispose()

Sequence Diagram

    participant CM as CombatManager
    participant CAD as CombatAnimationDisplay
    participant Timer
    CM->>CAD: animateCombat(playerAction, enemyAction, playerFaster)
    alt playerAttack
        CAD->>CAD: initiatePlayerAnimation(ATTACK)
        CAD->>CAD: playerAttackAnimation()
        CAD->>Timer: schedule(enemyAnimation)
    else enemyAttack
        CAD->>CAD: initiateEnemyAnimation(ATTACK)
        CAD->>CAD: enemyAttackAnimation()
    else playerGuard
        CAD->>CAD: initiatePlayerAnimation(GUARD)
        CAD->>CAD: guardAnimation()
    else playerSleep
        CAD->>CAD: initiatePlayerAnimation(SLEEP)
        CAD->>CAD: sleepAnimation()
    Timer-->>CAD: run scheduled animation
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