Shortcuts - TwoGears/hakomo-guides GitHub Wiki

Sublime Text Keyboard shortcuts

You can edit all of your keybinding in Preferences -> Key Bindings - User

CTRL + ` Opens the ST console

CMD + Shift + V - Paste and keep indentation
CMD + Option + V - Browse all copied text (Shows all clipboard history)

Tab - Indent
Shift + Tab - De-indent

CMD + / - Toggle comment
CMD + Shift or Option + / - Toggle block comment

Go To

CMD + P - Open file search input
CMD + Shift + P - Open Command Palette


CMD + Ctrl + up/down - Move the current line up/down
CMD + up/down/left/right - Move cursor to begging/end of document, begging/end of line
CMD + Click - Add a cursor to that position
CMD + Option + Mouse drag or Scroll wheel drag - Adds cursors where the mouse was dragged (column selection) Ctrl + Shift + up/down - Add a cursor to the line above/below
CTRL + M - jump to matching open or close bracket
Alt + left/right - Move cursor from word to word


CMD + F - Open Search CMD + Shift + F - Search in files/folders
CMD + Option + F - Search and Replace


CMD + W - Close current file
CMD + N - Open new file
CMD + Shift + T - Open the last closed file
CMD + [1..9] - Switch to the nth tab/file
CMD + Option + left/right - Change active tab to the next/previous tab


CMD + Option + [1..5] - Change the layout of the editor
Ctrl + [1..4] - Jump to group in changed layout
Ctrl + Shift + [1..4] - Move file to the group


CMD + L - Select current line (repeat for next line)
CMD + D - Select the current word (repeat to select next occurrence of the word)
Ctrl + Shift + W - Wrap selection in Tag
Ctrl + W - Wrap selection using Emmet expressions (If using Emmet)