Plugins - TwoGears/hakomo-guides GitHub Wiki

###Useful Sublime Text Plugins

All plugins are installed from Package Control by opening the Command Palette CMD + Shift + P, searching for the Package Control: Install Package command (type install), then typing the name of the package in the field and pressing Enter.

Check github/documentation pages for full installation instructions!

1. Linting

To use code linting in ST, you need:

  • SublimeLinter (Github) (Full documentation): provides a framework for linting code. SublimeLinter does not do the linting itself; it acts as a host for linting plugins. The linting plugins themselves usually do not perform linting either; they just act as a bridge between the code you type in Sublime Text and the actual linter.

  • SublimeLinter-jshint (Github): linter for Javascript.

    • Requires jshint node package
  • SublimeLinter-html-tidy (Github): linter for html files

  • SublimeLinter-flake8 (Github): linter for python.

    • Requires flake8 pip package

2. Emmet


  • sublime-less2css (Github): a plugin to compile less files to css on save.
  • LESS (Github): provides syntax highlighting for .less files.

3. Django

  • Djaneiro (Github): provides syntax highlighting, snippets and completions for django

  • Jinja2 Better Syntax (Github): adds support for jinja2 templates syntax

4. Sidebar

  • SideBarEnhancements (Github): adds ton of options in the right click context menu of the sidebar (Cut, Copy, Open in Browser, Open With, etc.)

  • SyncedSidebar (Github): always highlights the current file, even expanding folders and subfolders to show the one you're editing

5. Other

  • AutoFileName (Github): autocompletes file names

  • DocBlockr (Github): code completion for comment blocks.

    • auto-completes (on tab) /** to

        * Without DocBlockr, Sublime Text will not auto-complete this sort of  
        * comment block.  
  • ColorHighlighter (Github): previews color values by underlaying the selected hex codes in different styles. Also works with less/sass variables and adds a color picker and color format converter to easily modify colors.

  • FindKeyConflicts (Github): assists in finding key conflicts between various plugins.

    • Commands are in the Command Palette. Type key conflicts and choose.
  • Origami (Github): a better way of handling layout (split panes) in Sublime Text.

    • uses CMD + K shortcut or Command Palette commands (typing org or ori, origami will find the commands)
  • JSCSFormatter (Github) (JSCS website): autoformats javascript code according to JSCS configuration files.

    • Requires jscs node package
    • After installation, if you have changed npm's directory for global packages edit the User settings of the plugin Preferences -> Package Settings -> JSCSFormatter to change the jscs_path -> osx to "/Users/{your username}/npm/bin/jscs": example. Also don't set "format_on_save" to true, because it's annoying (pops up an error message if you don't have a .jscsrc file and it doesn't matter what type is the file, like .py or whatever)
    • To use the formatter in a project, you have to have a .jscsrc file in the projects directory. Use this file which is based on this JS Style Guide
    • To further clarify, read this article on about auto-formatting
  • PlainNotes (Github): notes for Sublime Text

  • PlainTasks (Github): todo lists for Sublime Text with lots of keybindings

6. Themes