Getting Started With Coin Control - Tumba24/TumbaCanLindaControl GitHub Wiki

Getting Started With Coin Control

This wiki page explains how to get started with the TumbaCanLindaControl's auto coin control feature. If you haven't already, please take a look at the security warning page before getting started.

Linda Coin Control Prerequisites

The following prerequisites are required to be installed for LindaCanCoinControl and will not be covered by this wiki.

  • Windows 10 64 bit. (Other 64 bit Windows operating systems may also work)
  • Linda wallet v1.0.1.3-g.

Encrypting You Wallet

TumbaCanLindaControl currently assumes that your wallet is encrypted with a passphrase. Later versions may or may not have the same assumption. If your wallet has already been encrypted and requires a passphrase to send coins then you can skip this section.

  1. Open Linda-qt.exe
  2. Click > Settings > Encrypt Wallet...
  3. Provide a password/passphrase to complete the encryption. DO NOT FORGET YOUR PASSPHRASE!

Create an Address Label/Account

TumbaCanLindaControl will auto coin control one of your addresses as specified by the addresses' label/account in your wallet. If your address already has a label you can skip this section.

  1. Open Linda-qt.exe
  2. Click "<- Receive".
  3. Double click your current label or place holder to edit it. Edit address label/account
  4. Click the blank space bellow your addresses to finish editing.

Enable Coin Control

This section is a prerequisite to the the next. If you already have coin control enabled you can skip this section.

  1. Open Linda-qt.exe.
  2. Click Settings > Options...
  3. Click "Display".
  4. Check "Display coin control features (experts only!).
  5. Click "OK".

Do Manual Coin Control on "Change" adresses.

TumbaCanLindaControl will auto coin control one label/account and will ignore all other addresses in your wallet. Because of this, TumbaCanLindaControl will ignore "change" addresses so you will need to manually control these. These "change" addresses will be used whenever you send less than all of your coins. Every time you move coins into these addresses you will need to do this manual coin control process.

  1. Open Linda-qt.exe.
  2. Click the "<- Receive" tab on the left.
  3. Right click the address you want to auto coin control.
  4. Click "Copy Address".
  5. Click the "-> Send" tab on the left.
  6. Click "Inputs...".
  7. Check for any coins in a "change" address. Coin control change
  • Notice in the screen shot above where the label is "(change)". If you have coins in an address like this, those coins will not be auto coin controlled.
  1. If you don't currently have any coins in a "change" address like the screen shot above then no manual coin control is needed and you can move on to the next section.
  2. Check all check boxes next to the address you wish to auto coin control and any check boxes next to "change" addresses that you want to auto coin control.
  3. Click "OK".
  4. Paste the address you copied earlier into the "Pay to" field.
  5. Confirm the "Label" field is auto populated with the label/account that you wish to auto coin control.
  6. Copy the "After fee" amount into the "Amount" field. Copy after fee amount into amount field
  7. Click the "-> Send" button in the bottom right corner and not the tab on the left.
  8. Wait for 10 confirmations on this new transaction.
  9. Start back at step 6 on this section and go through to step 9 again to confirm you no longer need to coin control any coins in a "change" address.

Download and Extract the Latest Release

  1. Go to
  2. Download the TumbaCanLindaControl_* file for the latest Windows 10 release.
  3. Copy the .zip file to the same folder as your Linda-qt.exe file.
  4. Right click the .zip file next to Linda-qt.exe.
  5. Click "Extract all...".
  6. Click "Extract".
  7. Confirm your Linda-qt.exe folder contents looks like this: (Your path to this folder will be different and that's OK.) Linda-qt.exe folder
  8. You can delete the .zip file that you copied over now that it has been extracted.

Edit CoinControlConfig.ini Config File

  1. Go into the TumbaCanLindaControl_* folder that you extracted.
  2. Go into the Configs folder.
  3. Rename the CoinControlConfig_build.ini file to "CoinControlConfig.ini".
  • Doing step 3 insures that if you update to a newer version of TumbaCanLindaControl in the future that you don't loose your changes to the CoinControlConfig.ini file.
  1. Open CoinControlConfig.ini with notepad for editing.
  • CoinControlConfig.ini should look like this:
# This config file should be used with the coincontrol verb.

# Account/label of your address that will be auto coin controlled.
AccountToCoinControl = accountToCoinControl

# Required number of confirmatiosn before TumbaCanLindaControl considers a transaction locked in.
RequiredConfirmations = 10

# RPC user used to authenticate with your Linda wallet's RPC JSON API.
RpcUser = user

# RPC password used to authenticate with your Linda wallet's RPC JSON API.
RpcPassword = password

# Run frequency in milliseconds.  TumbaCanLindaControl will wait this specified duration between runs.
# 1 minute is 60000 milliseconds.
RunFrequencyInMilliSeconds = 60000
  1. Change "accountToCoinControl" to the label of the Linda address that you want to auto coin control. For example purposes I'll change mine to "TumbaAddr1".
  2. Change "user" to a username that you define. For example purposes I'll change mine to "testUser".
  3. Change "password" to a password that you define. For example purposes I'll change mine to "testUserPass". This should be different than your wallet's passphrase.
  • After making the changes in steps 5, 6, and 7 my CoinControlConfig.ini file now looks like this:
# This config file should be used with the coincontrol verb.

# Account/label of your address that will be auto coin controlled.
AccountToCoinControl = TumbaAddr1

# Required number of confirmatiosn before TumbaCanLindaControl considers a transaction locked in.
RequiredConfirmations = 10

# RPC user used to authenticate with your Linda wallet's RPC JSON API.
RpcUser = testUser

# RPC password used to authenticate with your Linda wallet's RPC JSON API.
RpcPassword = testUserPass

# Run frequency in milliseconds.  TumbaCanLindaControl will wait this specified duration between runs.
# 1 minute is 60000 milliseconds.
RunFrequencyInMilliSeconds = 60000
  1. Confirm your AccountToCoinControl, RpcUser, and RpcPassword settings are correct.
  2. Save changes and close CoinControlConfig.ini.

Edit Win10 StartLinda.bat Script

  1. Go into the TumbaCanLindaControl_* folder that you extracted.
  2. Go into the Scripts\Win10 folder.
  3. Rename the StartLinda_build.bat file to "StartLinda.bat".
  • Doing step 3 insures that if you update to a newer version of TumbaCanLindaControl in the future that you don't loose your changes to the StartLinda.bat script.
  1. Open StartLinda.bat with notepad for editing.
  • StartLinda.bat should look like this:
@echo off
start ..\..\..\Linda-qt.exe -server=1 -rpcuser=user -rpcpassword=password -rpcallowip= -rpcport=33821
  1. Change -rpcuser to match the RpcUser variable that you defined in the previous section's step 6.
  2. Change -rpcpassword to match the RpcPassword variable that you defined in the previous section's step 7.
  • After making the changes in steps 5 and 6 my StartLinda.bat file now looks like this:
@echo off
start ..\..\..\Linda-qt.exe -server=1 -rpcuser=testUser -rpcpassword=testUserPass -rpcallowip= -rpcport=33821
  1. Confirm your -rpcuser, and -rpcpassword settings are correct.
  2. Save changes and close StartLinda.bat.

Starting Auto Coin Control

  1. If you're already running the Linda wallet you need to close it first so we can start it with the StartLinda.bat file. Use TaskManager after closing your Linda wallet and confirm the process has ended.
  2. Double click StartLinda.bat to start your Linda wallet.
  3. Wait for your Linda wallet to fully start.
  4. Double click StartCoinControl.bat.
  5. Enter your Linda wallet's passphrase when prompted.
  6. Press enter.
  7. If you don't see any errors you are now auto coin controlling!
  8. If you did get errors, please see common errors and solutions.

So you're auto coin controlling... What is happening and what you can expect to happen next.

Now I will describe how TumbaCanLindaControl works and what phases it will go through while it's running.

  1. Start up. Start up
  • If TumbaCanLindaControl started correctly and you provided the correct wallet passphrase you should see something similar to the screen shot above.
  • The first line tells you the version of TumbaCanLindaContorl that you are running.
  • After the first break, you see your passphrase prompt followed by some startup checks.
  • After the second break, you see your first coin control status report. Yours will look different than mine. My status report in the screen shot above is reporting that I have one unspent transaction (no coin control needed) and that I still have to wait 23 hours and 37 minutes before my coins mature and start staking.
  1. Transition from waiting for coins to mature to staking. Mature to staking
  • The first and second report above show that I'm not yet staking and how much time is left before staking starts.
  • The third report shows that I've started staking and that my expected time to earn a reward is 11 hours.
  1. Transition form staking to waiting for a stake reward to mature. staking to waiting for stake to mature
  • The first report shows that I'm still staking.
  • The second report shows that I've generated a stake reward but it hasn't matured yet.
  1. Transition from waiting for a stake to mature to auto coin control to waiting for confirmations. auto coin control
  • The first report shows that I'm still waiting for my stake reward to mature.
  • The second report shows that an auto coin control transaction was sent.
  • The third report shows that I'm waiting for confirmations on my auto coin control transaction.
  1. Transition from waiting for confirmations to waiting for coins to mature. waiting for confirmations to waiting for coins to mature
  • The first report shows that I'm still waiting for confirmations on my auto coin control transaction.
  • The second report shows that I'm not staking and how long my auto coin control transaction has left before it's mature again.
  1. Waiting for a payment to yourself. Waiting for a payment
  • You may see this if the label/account specified in your StartCoinControl.bat file doesn't exist or if there are no coins in the associated address.
  • You may also see this right after an auto coin control transaction is sent while you are waiting for your wallet to recognize the auto coin control transaction as unspent funds. When this happens, the very next report should recognize the transaction and show you the number of confirmations.