Common Errors And Solutions - Tumba24/TumbaCanLindaControl GitHub Wiki

Common Errors and Solutions

This wiki page will document some of the common errors you might see and what you can do to fix them.

  1. Can't connect to Linda wallet: Can't connect to linda wallet error
  • Problem: TumbaCanLindaControl wasn't able to connect to your Linda wallet.
  • Solutions:
    1. Make sure your Linda wallet is running and that you started it with the StartLinda.bat script.
    2. Make sure your StartLinda.bat file has these matching parameters: -rpcallowip= -rpcport=33821
  1. Wallet authorization failed: Wallet authorization failed
  • Problem: TumbaCanLindaControl was able to connect to your wallet but the rpcUser and or rpcPassword was incorrect.
  • Solution: Make sure the -rpcuser and -rpcpassword parameters in StartLinda.bat match the second and third parameters in the StartCoinControl.bat file.
  1. Wrong wallet passphrase: Wrong wallet passphrase
  • Problem: You were able to connect and authenticate with your Linda wallet but the wallet passphrase you provided was incorrect.
  • Solution: Restart StartCoinControl.bat and type your wallet's passphrase (used to encrypt your wallet) followed by enter.
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