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Z shell

An introduction to my Z shell configuration.

Oh My Zsh

Most the magic comes from this "great open source, community-driven framework".

The Code

With ZSH_THEME the theme is chosen. The chosen theme has to be in the folder ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes. ZSH_THEME="powerlevel/9k/powerlevel9k

HIST_STAMPS enables timestamps for the history in a user-specified format. HIST_STAMPS="yyyy.mm.dd"

plugins contains a list of chosen plugins. These are located in ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins.
For more information, see the plugins section.


Taken from this Cheatsheet

Some aliases for easier git management.
grt - cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel || echo ".")
gcsm - git commit -s -m
ggpnp - git pull origin $(current_branch) && git push origin $(current_branch)

Some aliases for zsh history.

h - same as history
hsi - same as history | grep

Creates a warp point to a specified directory.

wd add <point> - Adds the cwd(Current working directory) to your warp point, with <point> as the name
wd add - Same as above, but instead takes the directory's name as <point>

wd home - takes you home, if you added it previously

wd list - shows you a list of all of your warp points

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