leaderboard - TogetherGames/Public-Unity-CSharp GitHub Wiki
The Leaderboard class represents a together Leaderboard.
long LeaderboardID
The ID of the Leaderboard.
long CreatorUserID
The ID of the User that created the GameInstance the Leaderboard is based on.
long RoomID
The ID of the Room the original GameInstance.
int SecondsSinceStart
The number of seconds since the original GameInstance was started.
int SecondsSinceFinish
The number of seconds since the original GameInstance was finished.
int MaxUsers
The max number of users in the original GameInstance.
int TurnIndex
The index of whose turn it last was.
long WinningUserID
The ID of the User that won the original GameInstance.
List<LeaderboardUser> LeaderboardUsers
Contains all the LeaderboardUsers that were playing the original GameInstance.
Finds the LeaderboardUser with the specified UserID if it exists, otherwise returns null.
Returns LeaderboardUser
Leaderboard.FindLeaderboardUserByUserID( userID )
long userID
The ID of the User to find.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Finds the LeaderboardUser with the specified LeaderboardUserID if it exists, otherwise returns null.
Returns LeaderboardUser
Leaderboard.FindLeaderboardUserByLeaderboardUserID( leaderboardUserID )
long leaderboardUserID
The ID of the LeaderboardUser to find
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gets the number of LeaderboardUsers currently managed internally.
Returns int
Leaderboard.GetLeaderboardUserCount( )
Gets the LeaderboardUser at the specified index if it exists, otherwise returns null.
Returns LeaderboardUser
Leaderboard.GetLeaderboardUser( index )
int index
The index of the LeaderboardUser to find
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Returns the index of the specified LeaderboardUser if it exists, otherwise returns -1.
Returns int
Leaderboard.IndexOfLeaderboardUser( leaderboardUser )
LeaderboardUser leaderboardUser
Instance of the LeaderboardUser to find the index of
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Returns the index of the LeaderboardUser with the specified UserID if it exists, otherwise returns -1.
Returns int
Leaderboard.IndexOfLeaderboardUserByUserID( userID )
long userID
The ID of the User to find the index of
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Returns the index of the Leaderboard with the specified LeaderboardID if it exists, otherwise returns -1.
Returns int
Leaderboard.IndexOfLeaderboardUserByLeaderboardUserID( leaderboardUserID )
long leaderboardUserID
The ID of the LeaderboardUser to find the index of
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Removes a LeaderboardUser from the internally managed list. This does not remove the user from the Leaderboard persistently.
This method is deprecated
Returns void
Leaderboard.RemoveLeaderboardUser( index )
int index
The index of the LeaderboardUser to remove
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gets the Leaderboard's details.
Returns void
Leaderboard.GetDetails( friendsOnly, callbackFunc )
bool friendsOnly
A boolean indicating whether only Together friend Users should be retrieve.
[OnCompleteHandler](./oncompletehandler) callbackFuncThe function to call upon completion.