LeaderboardUser - TogetherGames/Public-Unity-CSharp GitHub Wiki
The Leaderboard class represents a User record within a Leaderboard.
long LeaderboardUserID
The ID of the LeaderboardUser.
long UserID
The ID of the User playing a original GameInstance.
string Username
The Username assigned to the User.
bool UserAnonymous
A boolean indicating whether the User is anonymous.
int PlayDuration
How long the User played the game for.
int SecondsSinceAwarded
The number of seconds since the Leaderboard was awarded.
int LastActivityInSeconds
The number of seconds since the User was last active in any game.
long ClientID
The ID of the Client the User has last played a Game with.
long GameID
The ID of the Game the User has last played.
long PlatformID
The ID of the Platform of the last played Game for the User.
PropertyCollection Properties
A property collection containing all custom properties for the LeaderboardUser.