Ingots & Blocks - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
IndustrialCraft 2 Classic (IC2C) offers a variety of new ingots to use. Alongside the basic Vanilla ingots (Iron and Gold), it introduces Copper, Tin, Bronze, Refined Iron, Silver, Uranium, and Enriched Uranium ingots. All of these Ingots have some use (even if it's just for a Nuclear Reactor...), and are used in multitudes of machines.
Vanilla Metals
Even though you may know about Iron and Gold, their use in IC2C is apparent for the sake of this wiki. Iron is one of the most used resources (in its Refined Iron form) in IC2C. The vanilla ingot can be used to craft a Solar Helmet, Iron Furnace, Static Boots, Rare Earth Chunk, Painter, and Insulation Cutters. Gold is also used in IC2C, although not as often. This vanilla ingot can be used to make Gold Cables, Component Heat Exchangers, Overclocked Heat & Steam Vents , which all go into their own branch of crafting. You already know what these two ingots look like, so I won't post a picture!
Refined Iron
Refined Iron is the refined version of an Iron Ingot. It's made from smelting an Iron Ingot in a furnace, and is used in almost (if not) every recipe. Its main use is the Machine Block, created from 8 Refined Iron Ingots like a Furnace, and is the "Refined Iron Block". The machine block is used in EVERY machine, even if not in the Recipe itself (as higher tier machines require an Advanced Machine Block). Refined Iron can also be used in the creation of HV and Plasma Cables, both of which are high-end cables. The Electronic Circuit is also crafted using the Refined Iron, along with Mixed Metal Ingots. All in all, it's probably the MOST used Ingot in IC2C.
The Copper Ingot is also a commonly used material in IC2C. Copper Ingots are created from processing Copper Ore, and its dust can be used with Tin Dust to create Bronze. The Copper Ingot is used in a variety of crafting recipes, like the Copper Cables, Sound Beacon, Induction Furnace, LV-Transformer , a few [Upgrades]], and can be compressed down into a Dense Copper Plate. Dense Copper Plates branch into other utilities such as more [[Upgrades]], [Uranium Cells , Coolant Cells, Neutron Reflectors, Reactor Chambers, and Reactor components. The Copper Ingot can also be recycled into Scrap Metal, which is used for various other recipes. Copper can be stored in Block Form, but only for storage; thus, the Copper Block has no recipe usage.
The Tin Ingot is not as common in IC2C recipes, yet not at rare as the Silver ingot. Tin Ingots are created from processing Tin Ore, identical to that of other ores. Tin Ingots are used in the recipes of the Canning Machine, Mixed Metal Ingot, Coolant Cells, Reactor Components, BatPack, CF Backpack, Fuel Can, Thermometer, RE-Battery, Tin Can, Dynamite-O-Mote, Ultra Low-Current Cables and various Upgrades. Tin Dust, crafted with Copper Dust, creates Bronze. Tin Ingots can be used in a Recycler to create Scrap Metal, and as stated before, Scrap Metal can be used in other recipes. Tin can be stored in Block Form, but only for storage, as the case of the Copper Block.
Silver, being one of the newest additions of IC2C, has little usage in IC2C. Silver Ingots, as Copper and Tin, can be created from processing Silver Ore, found underground. Silver ingots are used in the crafting recipes of Glass Fibre Cable, Liquid Fuel Generator, [Uranium Enricher]], various [[Upgrades]], and the [EV-Transformer . Silver Ingots can also be used in a Recycler, like the other metals, to create Scrap Metal. Silver can be stored in block form, but only for storage.
Bronze is one of the few alloys available in IC2C. Bronze Dust is made from 3 Copper Dust and 1 Tin Dust, and smelted into Bronze Ingots. Bronze is used for creating Bronze Cables, a slightly worse Gold Cable, Mixed Metal Ingots, the first Wrench, Bronze Tools and Armor, and, as always, can be used in a Recycler to make Scrap Metal. Bronze can be stored in Block Form, but only for Storage, as the case in Copper, Tin and Silver.
Finally, Uranium. Uranium is (currently) the only "radioactive" material in IC2C, and has very expansive uses. Uranium Ore Blocks are found underground, and when mined, drop the Uranium Ore Item (confusing, right?). This newfound Uranium Ore can be compressed in a Compressor to create Refined Uranium Ingots, the main Uranium material. Refined Uranium Ingots can be used in a Recycler to create Scrap Metal, and stored in Uranium Blocks. The Refined Uranium Ingots can be used to create Uranium Cells, which are used in Nuclear Reactors to generate EU. Using a Refined Uranium Ingot with one Empty Cell creates one Uranium Cell, while using one Refined Uranium Ingot and 8 Empty Cells creates 8 Near-Depleted Uranium Cells, which are used in the recipe of a Damage Conversion Module, and can also be used to create Depleted Isotope Cells, which uses will become apparent once added.
Refined Uranium Ingots can also be used in a "Uranium Enricher" to create "Refined Uranium Alloys"; currently, 5 uranium alloys exist, including Redstone Enriched Uranium Ingots, Blaze Enriched Uranium Ingots, EnderPearl Enriched Uranium Ingots, NetherStar Enriched Uranium Ingots, and Charcoal Enriched Uranium Ingots. All can be used in a Recycler to create Scrap Metal, but can not be crafted into blocks. They are used in a near identical purpose to the normal Refined Uranium Ingot, in which they create Uranium Cells. The difference is that that a Redstone Enriched Uranium Ingot creates a Redstone Enriched Uranium Cell, Blaze creates a Blaze Enriched Uranium Cell, so on and so forth. These varying cells have different properties in the Nuclear Reactor, such as a variation in duration, EU generation, etc. - as with the normal Uranium Cells, they can create Depleted Isotope Cells of their type.