Running game assets on Android - TheXTech/TheXTech GitHub Wiki

Run games on Android

Running games on Android has a different way than at other systems: you have one globally installed copy of the game engine and there is a menu where you can select one of installed game packages.

Before to start

  • Ensure you have a file manager with an ability to unpack 7-zip archives (for example, Total Commander, CX Explorer, old versions of ES Explorer (New versions are too messy now), File Manager of Huawei, or something also).
  • Download and install the APK of the game engine itself, you will need to download the Plain runtime edition (the stable, or the in-development version).
  • Download one of the archives of the game assets package itself.

Preparing the game

  • At the root of your phone storage (/sdcard/ or /storage/emulated/0/), create the directory named TheXTech Games through your file maneger.
    • Note 1: Actually, you can create such directory at any convenient place, and the directory may have any name you want.
    • Note 2: If you place assets package at the SD card, it will become a read-only, so, gamesaves and settings will appear at the {PHONE}/android/ru.wohlsoft.thextech/ directory (inacessible on Android 11+) instead of the same directory as the assets package.
  • With a file manager, unpack the content of the downloaded game assets archive into the sub-directory at the TheXTech Games directory (so, content of the archive should appear with a similar path: TheXTech Games/<name of game>/*).

Initial setup

  1. Once you prepared the game directory, you can start the game engine (TheXTech application).
  2. After the startup screen appears, press the "+" icon at the right-top icon, and select the "Add game".
  3. On Android 6+, it will ask you the storage access permission. Grant it.
  4. On Android 11+, it will ask you for the manage storage permission and will cause switch you to the manage storage permission screen. Enable it.
  5. If it didn't shown the directory selection dialogue, repeat previous actions from 2.
  6. Once selection dialogue shown, browse through directories and select the directory of the recently unpacked game directory (TheXTech Games/<name of game>/*).
  7. As you selected the proper directory, the overlook of the startup screen will change and turn into style of the selected game.
  8. Feel free to press the "Start Game" button to start the game itself, or press the "Settings" button to set some of pre-launch options.

You can have multiple different games on the same device, you can add them through the same right-top menu button and switch between them. Keep in a mind that every separated game keeps its own separated in-game settings (such as touchscreen control setup, etc).

In-Game settings

Once you launched the game, you may want to adjust some settings:

  • At the Options menu, you may find the Controls setup where you can adjust settings for the touchscreen settings (such as size of controls to make them convenient for your fingers, enable/disable and fine tune settings of the feedback or the rubmle).
  • On modern devices, you also can change the Renderer into OpenGL ES 2 if you want to enable the proper bitmask render of old episodes, or enable certain extra graphical features. Keep in a mind, this is an experimental feature, so, please report us any render bugs that you will find.