Quest 6 or QuestJS? - ThePix/QuestJS GitHub Wiki

When this started it was an alternative to Quest, rather than a successor, so I called in QuestJS (the JS for JavaScript). However, as it progressed, it became clear Alex had given up on the other possible Quest successors (eg QuestKit), and the entire Quest development was in my hands, and so this became Quest 6, the next version of Quest.

So which is it?

Well, both really. It is the next version of Quest, so it is Quest 6. However, calling it QuestJS makes it easier to find on the web. A Google search for "quest" finds hundreds of millions hits, and very few are for Quest. Search for "questjs", and there are merely thousands of hits, and the top three are for this, even before it has been properly released.

So this is Quest 6, but the official name is QuestJS.