Outstanding Features - ThePix/QuestJS GitHub Wiki

This is a collection of features that are present in Quest 5, but are not currently or not properly implemented in Quest 6. I consider the world model to be done to sufficient standard.


This is the big omission currently. It is definitely required in the long term.

It is underway, but no idea how log it will take.

File convertor

It would be nice to be able to convert files from Quest 5. Initial thoughts were that this would be rudimentary at best, but the editor now uses XML again, as Blockly does, the same as Quest 5, and producing a JavaScript file for playing and publishing. The XML file format is pretty close to Quest 5.

Changing from ASL to JavaScript will be quite a challenge, and I doubt will ever be perfect.

There is a convertor in Ruby that does some of the work, but the output still needs a lot of work.

Change scripts

These are very useful in Quest 5, but I do not know if they can be implemented in Quest 6. It may be we do not need them (as much?) if we use function attributes. If you have a torch, rather than have the "light" attribute change when the "switchedon" state changes, have a light function that returns a value depending on "switchedon".

Having played around with Quest 6 somewhat, I am increasingly of the opinion that these are unnecessary.


There will be no gamebook mode, as there are good alternatives, such as Squiffy, already. Note that Alex took the same view.