List of Settings - ThePix/QuestJS GitHub Wiki

There are a lot of settings for Quest 6. This page collects most of them together. Note that you can add you own attributes too, just bear in mind that they will not get saved when the user saves her game.

There is an explanation of many of these here, but it is not as comprehensive.

Name Type Default Description
Set in game/settings.js
title string 'Your new game' The title
author string 'Your name here' The author
version string 0.1 The version
thanks array of strings [] Credits
warnings string "No warnings have been set for this game." Any applicable warnings
playMode string 'play' Set to 'play', 'dev' or 'beta'
Other meta-data
subtitle string - The sub-title - not used if absent
questVersion string Current version The version of Quest
additionalAbout dictionary - Further paragraphs for ABOUT; the key is used as a sub-title and will appear in italics
additionalHelp array of strings - Further paragraphs for HELP
saveLoadExcludedAtts array of strings * These attributes will not get saved. By default it already includes several important values, so only modify this list using "push".
lang string lang-en Set to the language file of your choice
customExits Boolean or string false Set to the filename to use otherwise false
files array of strings ["code", "data"] Game files to load
libraries array of strings ["_saveload", "_text", "_io", "_command", "_defaults", "_templates", "_world", "_npc", "_parser", "_commands"] Use push to include extra library files in case this list is out-of-date
customLibraries array of strings - Custom libraries
imagesFolder string 'assets/images/' Folder for images
iconsFolder string 'assets/icons/' Folder for icons, set to false to turn icons off
soundsFolder string 'assets/audio/' Folder for sounds
videosFolder string 'assets/video/' Folder for videos
styleFile string - CSS file to include from game folder
themes array of strings ['sans-serif'] CSS files to include from assets/css (default set in gamesettings)
favicon string settings.iconsFolder + 'favicon.png' Favicon path, filename and extension
test Boolean false If true, the unit testing library will be added
soundsFileExt string '.mp3' The filename extension (and hence type) for sound files
Game play
failCountsAsTurn Boolean false If true, a turn passes even if the player types nonsense
lookCountsAsTurn Boolean false If true, a turn passes even if the player does LOOK
beforeEnter function {} Run before player enters a location, after the location's beforeEnter has run.
afterEnter function {} Run after player enters a location, after the location's afterEnter has run.
saveDisabled Boolean false If true, player cannot save
convertNumbersInParser Boolean true If true, the player can type "two" and the parser will understand it as 2
maxUndo number 10 Maximum number of times play can do consecutive undo
moneyFormat string '$!' Determines how money is displayed
dateTime dictionary * See [here](
setup function - Run just before the game starts
intro string - Printed just before the game starts
afterLoad function - Run after a saved game is loaded
oxfordComma Boolean false Include an extra comma in list
fluids arrays of strings [] A list of the liquids and other fluids in the game.
openQuotation string "'" Used by "dialogue" text processor
closeQuotation string "'" Used by "dialogue" text processor
NPC related
noAskTell Boolean or string "TALK TO is not a feature in this game." String saying ASK/TELL is disabled, or false otherwise
noTalkTo Boolean or string "ASK/TELL ABOUT is not a feature in this game." String saying TALK TO is disabled, or false otherwise
givePlayerSayMsg Boolean true If true, a standard message is provided with SAY.
givePlayerAskTellMsg Boolean true If true, a standard message is provided before the response for ASK/TELL ABOUT.
npcReactionsAlways Boolean false If true, NPC reactions are checked even when the NPC is not present
dropdownForConv Boolean true If true, dynamic conversations use a dropdown rather than links
turnsQuestionsLast number 5 If an NPC asks a question, the player has this many turns to SAY an answer
roomCreateFunc function - The is run after each room is created
itemCreateFunc function - The is run after each item is created
I/O main pane
textInput Boolean true If true, player can type in commands
cursor string '>' Prompt for the commands
cmdEcho Boolean true Input commands are repeated on screen
textEffectDelay number 25 Delay in milliseconds between each character
roomTemplate * * See [here](
toolbar * * See [here](
I/O Side panes
panes string 'left' Set to 'left', 'right' or 'none' to control placement of the side panes
compassPane Boolean true If true, show the compass rose
symbolsForCompass Boolean true If true, use symbols rather than letters in the compass rose
inventories * * See [here](
panesCollapseAt number 700 When screen width is less than this the side panes are not shown
mapAndImageCollapseAt number 1200 When screen width is less than this the map or image window is not shown
statusPane Boolean or string 'Status' Title for the status pane, or false to disable
statusWidthLeft number 120 Width of the left column for the status table
statusWidthRight number 40 Width of the right column for the status table
status complicated * See [here](
I/O other
customUI * * See [here](
updateCustomUI * * See [here](
darkModeActive Boolean false If true, this is dark mode (unlike most settings this can change during play)
onDarkToggle function - Runs were dark mode is toggled
startingDialogXXX various * See [here](
mapXXX various * See [here](
silent Boolean false If true, sounds are disabled
convertDoubleDash Boolean false If true, a -- in the outut text will get converted to a single long dash
getDefaultRoomHeading function - Function should return a string to use for the room heading; generally based on the alias with the desired capitalisation
reportAllSvg Boolean false If true, when an SVG image is displayed, the raw text will go to the console
statsData array of dictionaries * Used by the STATS command, see [here](
disableWaitInDevMode Boolean false If true the game will ignore `wait` and `pause` when in development mode
  • Indicates the value is too complicated to fit in the table, go see the linked page
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️