RestController - THM-ATLAS/spring-backend GitHub Wiki



A RestController is a class specified by the @RestController annotation. RestControllers take a Service as an argument that handles data processing.




RestControllers specify the mapping of our Restful API. Every RestController is annotated by @RequestMapping("/api/"), specifying that all subsequent mappings are starting at host/api/ rather than the host URL.

Each route has its specific handler method that is defined by annotating a method with one of the following:

  • @GetMapping(/route/...)
  • @PostMapping(/route/...)
  • @PutMapping(/route/...)
  • @DeleteMapping(/route/...)

Handler methods

The handler methods pass the deserialized data to its corresponding Service.

A handler can receive the body of the request if annotated with @RequestBody and the path variable with @PathVariable.


To check the permissions of the user who has just sent a request, the AuthenticationPrincipal (currently logged-in user) must be passed in each method, this is done with the annotation @AuthenticationPrincipal user: AtlasUser.

API Documentation

Every handler is also annotated with @ApiResponses which defines the response codes and possible errors for our API Documentation

Our RestControllers


The FrontendController ensures that requests for which no other RESTController exists are forwarded to the frontend.


The AssetController deals with raw Assets and their Base64 encoded counterparts.



Encoded assets

Encoded assets can be returned, created, edited and deleted:

  • GET /assets/{id} returns an asset.
  • POST /assets creates an asset.
  • PUT /assets updates an asset.
  • DELETE /assets/{id} deletes an asset.

Raw assets

Raw assets may be viewed if they are a picture or downloaded as files:

  • GET /assets/{id}/view returns the image as PNG.
  • GET /assets/{id}/download returns a download prompt containing the file.


The ExerciseController deals with Tasks and Task Types.




Tasks can be returned, created, edited and deleted:

  • GET /exercises returns all tasks.
  • GET /exercises/pages/{pageSize}/{pageNr} returns a page of all tasks.
  • GET /exercises/{exerciseID} returns the task with ID.
  • GET /exercises/user/{userID} returns all tasks to which a user has access.
  • GET /exercises/user/{userID}/pages/{pageSize}/{pageNr} returns a page of all tasks to which a user has access.
  • GET /exercises/module/{modID} returns all tasks that belong to a module.
  • GET /exercises/module/{modID}/pages/{pageSize}/{pageNr} returns a page of all tasks that belong to a module.
  • POST /exercises creates the task from the requestbody.
  • PUT /exercises processes the task in the requestbody.
  • DELETE /exercises/{exerciseID} deletes tasks with ID.

Task types

Task types can be requested:

  • GET /exercises/types returns all types.


The ModuleController deals with modules, module memberships and module referrals such as links and files.




Modules can be returned, created, edited and deleted:

  • GET /modules returns all modules.
  • GET /modules/pages/{pageSize}/{pageNr} returns a page of all modules
  • GET /modules/{moduleID} returns module with requested ID.
  • POST /modules creates the module from the requestbody.
  • PUT /modules processes the module in the requestbody.
  • DELETE /modules/{moduleID} deletes module with ID.

Module memberships

Module memberships can be returned, created, edited and deleted:

  • GET /modules/users/{moduleID} returns all users that are members of a module.
  • POST /modules/users/{moduleID} adds ModuleUser from RequestBody to module with ID.
  • POST /modules/users/multiple/{moduleID} adds multiple ModuleUser from RequestBody to module with ID.
  • PUT /modules/users/{moduleID} processes ModuleUser in module with ID.
  • DELETE /modules/users/{moduleID}/{userID} removes ModuleUser from module.
  • DELETE /modules/users/{moduleID} removes all ModuleUser from RequestBody from module with ID.

Module referrals

Module referrals can be returned, created and deleted:

  • GET /modules/referrals/links/{module_id} returns all link referrals.
  • GET /modules/referrals/assets/{module_id} returns all asset referrals.
  • POST /modules/referrals/links/{module_id} creates a link referral.
  • POST /modules/referrals/assets/{module_id} creates an asset referral.
  • DELETE /modules/referrals/links/{module_id}/{referral_id} deletes a link referral by ID.
  • DELETE /modules/referrals/assets/{module_id}/{referral_id} deletes an asset referral by ID.


The NotificationController deals with Notifications and Types of Notifications.




  • GET /notifications/user/{userID} returns all notifications of a user.
  • GET /notifications/module/{moduleID} returns all notifications of a module.
  • POST /notifications creates a notification that is sent to all users.
  • POST /notifications/module creates a notification that is sent to all members of a module.
  • PUT /notifications/user/{notification_id}/{user_id} marks a notification as read.
  • DELETE /notifications/user/{notificationID}/{userID} deletes a notification of a user.
  • DELETE /notifications/user/{userID} deletes all notifications of a user
  • DELETE /notifications/module/{notificationID}/{moduleID} deletes a notification of a module for all of them
  • DELETE /notifications/{notificationID} deletes one notification for all


  • GET notifications/types returns all types of notifications


The RatingController deals with Ratings of tasks.




Ratings can be returned, created, edited and deleted:

  • GET /ratings/exercises/{exerciseID} returns all ratings for a task.
  • GET /ratings/users/{userID} returns all the ratings of a user.
  • GET /ratings/{ratingID} returns rating with ID.
  • PUT /ratings processes rating in request body.
  • POST /ratings creates rating from requestbody.
  • DELETE /ratings/{ratingID} deletes rating with ID.


The RoleController deals with Roles




Roles can be returned:

  • GET /roles returns all roles.


The SettingsController deals with User settings.




Settings can be returned and created:

  • GET /settings/{userID} returns settings of a user.
  • PUT /settings processes settings from requestbody.


The SubmissionController deals with Submission




Submissions can be returned, created, edited and deleted:

  • GET /submissions returns all submissions.
  • GET /submissions/pages/{pageSize}/{pageNr} returns a page of all submissions
  • GET /exercises/{exerciseID}/submissions returns all submissions for an exercise.
  • GET /exercises/{exerciseID}/submissions/pages/{pageSize}/{pageNr} returns a page of all submissions to an exercise
  • GET /users/{subUserID}/submissions returns all submissions of a user.
  • GET /users/{subUserID}/submissions/pages/{pageSize}/{pageNr} returns a page of all submissions of a user
  • GET /submissions/{submission_id} returns a submission by ID.
  • GET /exercises/{exerciseID}/submission returns the submission of the logged-in user.
  • GET /submissions/code/languages returns all code languages for the code-type submission.
  • GET /submissions/code/languages/{language_id} returns a code language for the code-type submission by ID.
  • PUT /submissions processes submission in requestbody.
  • PUT /submissions/grade processes grade of a submission in requestbody.
  • POST /submissions creates submission from requestbody.
  • DELETE /submissions/{submissionID} deletes submission with ID.


The TagController deals with TaskTags




Tags can be returned, created, edited and deleted:

  • GET /tags returns all tags.
  • GET /tags/pages/{pageSize}/{pageNr} returns a page of all tags.
  • GET /exercises/{exerciseID}/tags returns all tags of a task.
  • GET /modules/{moduleID}/tags returns tags of a module.
  • PUT /tags processes tag in requestbody.
  • POST /tags creates tag from requestbody.
  • POST /exercises/{exerciseID}/{tagID} adds tag to a task.
  • POST /modules/tags/{moduleID}/{tagID} adds tag to a module.
  • DELETE /tags/{tagID} deletes tag with ID.
  • DELETE /exercises/{exerciseID}/{tagID} removes tag from task.
  • DELETE /module/tags/{moduleID}/{tagID} removes tag from a module.


The UserController deals with Users




Tags can be returned, created, edited and deleted:

  • GET /users returns all users.
  • GET /users/pages/{pageSize}/{pageNr} returns a page of all users.
  • GET /users/me returns logged in user.
  • GET /users/{id} returns user with ID.
  • PUT /users processes users in Requestbody.
  • POST /users creates user from Requestbody.
  • POST /users/multiple creates multiple users from Requestbody.
  • DELETE /users/{id} deletes users with ID.
  • DELETE /users/multiple deletes users from Requestbody.


The IconController deals with Icons



Icons can be retruned, created and deleted

  • GET /icons returns all Icons
  • POST /icons creates an Icon
  • DELETE /icons/{idconID} deletes an Icon