Classes - THM-ATLAS/spring-backend GitHub Wiki



Our classes


Assets represent Pictures and files uploaded to ATLAS. It is connected to Database Table assets.

It contains the variables:

  • asset_id: Unique ID. Primary key annotated with @Id
  • asset: ByteArray, that actually contains the File or Picture
  • public: Boolean. Indicates if the given asset is public or not. Public assets can be seen by everyone (e.g. profile pictures)
  • filename: String. Name of the File saved in asset


AssetBase64 represents an asset coded as Base64

It contains the variables:

  • asset_id: ID of the given asset
  • asset: String. Contains the file encoded as Base64
  • public: Boolean. Indicates if the given asset is public
  • filename: String. Filename of the asset


AtlasIcon represents an Icon, that can be part of a module or tag name. Database table: icon.

It contains the variables:

  • icon_id: Prmary kex annotated with @Id
  • reference: String. Name of the icon


AtlasModule is the module as found in the databank as table module and marked @Table("module").

It contains the variables:

  • module_id :Int Unique ID. It is the primary key and is marked with @Id.
  • name :String the name of the module.
  • description: String a short description of the module.
  • modulePublic: Boolean Assigns whether the module is public, with annotation @field:Column("public") to the database.
  • icon_id :Int Id of a Icon


AtlasModuleRet is the module that we Return on requests. It contains everything from the Atlasmodule and the complete Icon instead of the icon_id


AtlasUser is the user as found in the database as table user and marked with @Table("user").

It contains the variables:

  • user_id :Int Unique ID. It is the primary key and is marked with @Id.
  • name :String the user's name.
  • username :String the login username.
  • email :String the users email.
  • (private) password :String value for user's password.

In addition to database variables:

  • roles :MutableCollection<Role> = mutableListOf list of roles belonging to the user.

The AtlasUser is also part of the UserDetails interface. This is part of the Security


Submission containing code in a specific language. Database table: submission_code

It contains the following variables:

  • submission_id: Primary key, foreign key to the submission containing this code, annotated with @Id
  • content: String. The code, that was submitted
  • language: Int. Foreign key to the programming language the content is written in


Exercise is the task as found in the database as the exercise table and labeled @Table("exercise").

It contains the variables:

  • exercise_id :Int Unique ID. It is the primary key and is marked with @Id.
  • module_id :Int ID of the module to which the exercise belongs.
  • type_id :Int ID of the type to which the task is assigned.
  • title :String Title of the task.
  • content :String Content of the task.
  • description :String short description of the task.
  • exercisePublic :Boolean Assigns whether the task is public, with annotation @field:Column("public") to the database.


ExerciseRet is the task we Return on requests. It contains content from multiple tables in the database.

It contains the variables:

  • exercise_id :Int Unique ID.
  • module :AtlasModule The module to which the task belongs.
  • title :String Title of the task.
  • content :String Content of the task.
  • description :String Short description of the task.
  • exercisePublic :Boolean indication if task is public.
  • avgRating :Float? the average rating of the task, zero if no ratings.
  • type :String? type assigned to the task.
  • tags :List<Tags> List of tags associated with the task.


Submission containing a file. Database table: submissions_file

It contains the variables:

  • submission_id: Foreign key to the submission containing this file, Primary key annotated with @Id
  • file: Int. Foreign key towards the linked asset


Submission containing plain text. Database table: submission_free

It contains the variables:

  • submission_id: Foreign key to the submission containing this text. Primary key annotated with @Id
  • content: String with Submission content


Programming language a code submission can be in. Database Table: code_language

It contains the variables:

  • lang_id: Primary key, annotated with @Id
  • name: String. Name of the programming language


Submission containing multiple choice questions.

It contains the Variables:

  • submission_id the ID of the submission containing this solution

Not inside the default constructor:

  • questions Array of MultipleChoiceQuestions, that contains the answered questions of this submission. Nullable, is filled later


Links a module with one or more Assets. Database table: module_assets

It contains the variables:

  • module_asset_id: Primary key, annotated with @Id
  • module_id: Foreign key to the connected module
  • asset_id: Foreign key to the connected asset


Links a module with one or more links

It contains the Variables:

  • module_link_id: Priamry key, annotated with @Id
  • module_id: Foreign key to the conntected module
  • link: String with the link


ModuleUser is a user returned when asked for a user in context to a module.

It contains the variables:

  • user_id :Int ID of the AtlasUser.
  • module_role :Role the role a user takes in a module.
  • name :String the name of the user.
  • username :String the login username.
  • email :String the email of the user.


Answer to a multiple choice question. Database table mc_answer

It contains the variables:

  • answer_id: Primary key, annotated with @Id
  • content: The text of this answer
  • correct: Says wether this answer is correct or not. Write only, is not given back to the frontend

Outside of the database / default constructor:

  • question_id: ID of the question, that this question answers
  • marked: Boolean. Says wether this answer is marked in a submission


Question in a multiple choice exercise / submission

It contains the variables:

  • question_id: Primary key, annotated with @Id
  • content: String. Content of the Question
  • exercise_id: Foreign key to the connected exercise

Outside of the database / default constructor:

  • answers: List of MultipleChoiceAnswer. Nullable, is filled later


Notification is the notification as found in the database as table notification and labeled @Table("notification").

It contains the variables:

  • notification_id :Int Unique ID. It is the primary key and is marked with @Id.
  • title :String Title of the notification.
  • content :String Text content of the notification.
  • time :Timestamp Time when the notification was created.
  • type_id :Int the ID of the notification type.
  • module_id :Int? the id of the associated module, is Nullable.
  • exercise_id :Int? the Id of the associated task, is Nullable.
  • submission_id :Int? the Id of the associated submission, is Nullable.


NotificationRead is a notification that additionally contains the information for the requesting user whether he has already read the notification.

It contains the variables of Notification and the variable read:

  • read :Boolean truth value to indicate whether the notification has already been read.


Notification is the type of a notification, as found in the database as notification_type and marked with @Table("notification_type").

It contains the variables:

  • type_id :Int Unique ID. It is the primary key and is marked with @Id.
  • name :String Name/description of the type.


Rating is the rating of a task as found in the database as user_exercise_rating and marked with @Table("user_exercise_rating").

It contains the variables:

  • rating_id :Int Unique ID. It is the primary key and is marked with @Id.
  • user_id :Int the ID of the user who has rated.
  • exercise_id :Int the ID of the task that was rated.
  • value :int the value of the assessment.


Role is the role that can be assigned to a user, as found in the database as role and marked with @Table("role").

It contains the variables:

  • role_id :Int Unique ID. It is the primary key and is marked with @Id. Extends GrtantedAuthority, which is part of Spring Security.
  • name :String Name of the role.


Submission is the submission of a user to a task, as found in the database as user_exercise_submission and marked with @Table("user_exercise_submission").

It contains the variables:

  • submission_id :Int Unique ID. It is the primary key and is marked with @Id.
  • exercise_id the ID of the task to which the submission belongs.
  • user_id the ID of the user who created the submission.
  • upload_time: Timestamp of the submission upload
  • upload_time :Timestamp the time when the submission was made.
  • grade :Int? the grade with which the submission was evaluated.
  • teacher_id :Int? the ID of the user/teacher who graded the submission.
  • comment :String a comment about the grading of the submission.
  • type: Foreign key to the SubmissionType this submission is from

Outside the database / default constructor:

  • content: SubmissionTemplate. Content of the submission


SubmissionGrade is the grading of a submission, it has similar variables to Submission but only the variables for grading to make this easier to edit.

It contains the variables:

  • submission_id :Int Unique ID. It is the primary key.
  • grade :Int? the grade with which the submission was graded.
  • comment :String a comment about the grading of the submission.


Represents the database table mc_submission.

It contains the variables:

  • submission_id: Foreign key to the submission containing this MC answer
  • answer_id: Foreign key to the answer inside this submission
  • marked: Boolean. Saves wether an answer is marked or not


Abstract superclass of McSubmission, CodeSubmission, FileSubmission and FreeSubmission. Annotates with @JsonTypeInfo to tell the JSON parser tp parse this class according to the value of the variable type. What values this variable can have, and to what class the parser should parse the JSON is written inside the @JsonSubTypes annotation.


Type a submission can have. Database table: submission_type

It contains the variables:

  • type_id: Primary key, annotated with @Id
  • name: String. Name of the type


Tag is the assignment tag as found in the database as tag and marked with @Table("tag").

It contains the variables:

  • tag_id :Int Unique ID. It is the primary key and is marked with @Id.
  • name :String Name of the tag
  • icon_id :Int Id of a Icon


TagRet is the Tag that we Return on requests. It contains everything from the Tag and the complete Icon instead of the icon_id


UserSettings are the settings that A User can make, as found in the database as user_settings and marked with @Table("user_settings").

They contain the variables:

  • user_id :Int Unique ID. It is the primary key and is marked with @Id. The ID of the user to which the settings belong.
  • language :String the selected language.
  • theme :String the selected theme.
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