2. Pressure Logger Precautions - sunny-day-flooding-project/tutorials_v1 GitHub Wiki

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Precautions


This wiki contains a list of precautions regarding the Pressure Logger. Please revisit this page throughout setup, calibration, and deployment.


MEAS Jumper

  • Since we are cutting the MEAS Jumper on the OLA, the OLA will always need to be powered by battery.
  • In order to power the OLA from the computer (using a USB) or a lithium battery, the MEAS Jumper pins will have to be connected back together using a jumper shunt. However, if a jumper shunt is applied and the pins are connected back together, make sure the D-Cell battery pack is not in the connected.
  • Thus, having the D-Cell battery pack disconnected is extremely applicable when connecting to the computer.

Installing Batteries

  • The battery pack should always be inserted in the battery holder with the positive end facing the inside of the pressure logger, or on the side of the battery holder with the red wire attached. The correct orientation is necessary to ensure the electronic boards don't get fried. Reference the picture below.
  • When attaching the battery pack, make sure the battery itself is in contact with the clasps at either end of the battery holder, rather than being in contact with the cardboard battery unit.

Creating the D-Cell battery pack, laid out in the correct orientation for install.

Electronic Shrouds

  • The orientation of the shroud itself is important, and the reference pictures show the orientation for the wires with the "smooth side" of the shroud facing towards the inside of the BLE board.
  • Connecting the shroud in the wrong orientation will change the wired connections and can fry the electronic boards.