Page Index - StanfordBioinformatics/pulsar_lims GitHub Wiki
40 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- SCGPM meeting memos
- The User model
- Guide for creating a new scaffold
- Linking the SequencingCenter model with the Users model
- Adding a Pundit policy class to your model
- Standardizing the views
- Updates to make in _form.html.erb
- Updates to make in show.index.html
- Updates to make to index.html.erb
- Updates to make to new.html.erb
- Updates to make to edit.html.erb
- Standardizing the controller
- API Clients
- Application Logic
- Bash Tips
- Bioinformatics
- Bootstrap tips
- CSS Tips
- Default sort order in index views
- Deployment on Heroku
- Getting PosgreSQL and Rails to work together
- Heroku Tips
- How to set the current user when building or creating an association
- Importing Sequencing Results
- jQuery Tips
- Models
- Python Client
- RAILS Tips
- Rails useful commands
- Refreshing Input fields
- Ruby on Rails
- Run app locally with Heroku
- SCGPM Meeting memo
- search
- Security
- Setting up a S3 Bucket
- Setting up Elastisearch on Heroku Rails app
- Setting up mail with Mailgun
- The relationships between Libraries, SequencingRequests, SequencingRuns, and SequencingResults