wk 1 Project tech - Sophievanderburg/blok-tech GitHub Wiki

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Target audience

My target audience for this project are people who want to find other people to go to concerts/festivals with. The match is based on the music taste.
Sometimes your friends do not like the same music as you do. That means they do not enjoy the same concerts/festivals. You want to go to these events, but you know your friends won't have a good time. You do not want to bother your friends, so you are looking for people that will go with you and have a good time!

🔢 Jobstories

  1. When I am new to the app, I want to let the app know what my music taste is, so I can find people with the same music taste.
  2. When the app knows my music taste, I want to see possible matches, so I can get to know the people I think I like.
  3. When I am searching for people, I want to filter, so I can find people who will be a match.
  4. When I found someone I like , I want to save them, so I can send them a message later and get to know them.
  5. When I do not like the person is saved, I want to delete them from my saved list, so I can look for a real match.
  6. When I am sure I want to go to a concert with this person, I want to search for concerts of our music style, so I can plan a concert with my match.
  7. When I have saved someone I don't want to get to know afterwards, I want to remove this person from the list, so I can get to know other people.

Chosen jobstory

  1. When I have saved someone I don't want to get to know afterwards, I want to remove this person from the list, so I can get to know other people.

✅ Requirements list

  • Profiles of users (database)
  • Page where the saved matches can be viewed
  • Button that matches can be removed

✏️ Design & styling

Picture of styleguide Picture of page designs

❌ Delete pattern

Google Play Store
When you push the button, you need to confirm that you want to delete the app.

Screenshot Google Play store

When you push the trashcan icon, the item will be deleted from your list immediately.

Screenshot ASOS

Delete a contact from your contactlist
You need to confirm that you want to delete this person.

Screenshot Contact

Instagram Unfollow
When you click on 'niet meer volgen' (unfollow), you do not need to confirm if you really want to unfollow this person.

Screenshot Instagram

Conclusion: Some deleting patterns use a confirmation before deleting and some do not. When I was testing these patterns I discovered that I find it more comfortable to confirm before you delete something. This way you will not delete something by accident. So I will use a deleting pattern with confirmation in my app.

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