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Setup Process

First, this introduction assumes that you have a working CX installation, installed from the CX sources. If you do not, then first, follow the instructions in the sources on how to do that.

NOTE: At the current early stage, you need to run this on Linux, since the CX blockchain has not been tested on Windows or MacOS X.

After you have a working CX, perform the following steps:

  • Update your CX repository:
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git pull origin develop
  • Recompile with make build
  • Run cx --generate-address and write down the result.
  • Replace the fields blockchain_pubkey_str and genesis_address_str in ./fiber.toml with the values generated by cx --generate-address (public_key and address, respectively)
  • Run
cx --blockchain --heap-initial 100 --stack-size 100 \
    --secret-key $SECRET_KEY \
    --public-key $PUBLIC_KEY \
  • Write down the blockchain's genesis signature that is shown at the bottom. CX will update fiber.toml's genesis_signature_str field with your new genesis signature.
  • Start a publisher node (use the data obtained from running the previous commands; you can create bash variables that hold these values for convenience):
cx --publisher --genesis-address $GENESIS_ADDRESS \
   --genesis-signature $GENESIS_SIGNATURE \
   --secret-key $SECRET_KEY \
   --public-key $PUBLIC_KEY
  • Run a peer node (for now, it MUST use port 6001):
cx --peer --genesis-address $GENESIS_ADDRESS \
   --port 6001 \
   --genesis-signature $GENESIS_SIGNATURE \
   --public-key $PUBLIC_KEY
  • Create a wallet (for now you need to use this seed. This will be changed ASAP):
cx --create-wallet --wallet-seed "museum nothing practice weird wheel dignity economy attend mask recipe minor dress"
  • Restart your peer node by pressing Ctrl-C to stop the peer node process, and then run again this:
cx --peer --genesis-address $GENESIS_ADDRESS \
   --port 6001 \
   --genesis-signature $GENESIS_SIGNATURE \
   --public-key $PUBLIC_KEY
  • You can test a transaction (without broadcasting the new program state) with:
cx --transaction examples/blockchain/
  • And you can broadcast it with:
cx --secret-key $SECRET_KEY --broadcast examples/blockchain/