Page Index - Sitefinity/feather GitHub Wiki
146 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- New Feather documentation portal
- Access Parent Child items in Dynamic widget views
- Account activation widget
- Activate Feather Module
- Add custom commands for editing widget with Feather
- Add customizable grid controls based on simple HTML
- Add related data to News widget
- Add view with categories tree in the Categories widget
- Adding predefined styles to widget
- Asociate comments and reviews widgets with an item
- Blog post widget
- Blogs widget
- Change MVC widget templates
- Change password widget
- Change star symbol in Reviews widget
- Client API Reference
- Comments widget
- Constructor dependency injection for controller using Ninject
- Content Block Widget
- Create a custom designer view
- Create a layout file
- Create a MVC List widget
- Create a “Hello World” MVC widget in a separate assembly
- Create the attribute routed Books widget
- CSS widget
- Customize properties displayed inside the property editor
- DevMagazine site overview
- Display error message when exception occurs
- Document link
- Documents list widget
- Dynamic Content Widget
- Embed code widget
- Enable new designers in widgets created with Thunder
- Extend widget designer with additional client logic
- Feather resource packages
- Filter dynamic content items by Related data items via the URL
- Filter dynamic content items by URL
- Frameworks integration
- Frontend development
- Generate MVC widgets for existing Dynamic Content Types
- Getting Started
- Helper methods for enabling the Inline Editing feature
- Helper methods for getting localized data
- Highlight filtered dynamic content items by URL
- How to access properties of the DynamicContentItem
- How to change the view of a specific field in a single Dynamic content MVC widget
- How to change the view of a specific field in all Dynamic content MVC widgets
- How to create custom designer view for Dynamic content MVC widgets
- How to create custom forms field
- How to customize an existing field in Dynamic content MVC widget
- How to customize the view of the Dynamic content MVC widget
- How to extend the Navigation widget view model using dependency injection
- How to implement a Master Detail content controller
- How to implement action that filters by category or tag
- How to insert an anchor
- How to use resource from a package
- Image widget
- Install Feather as a Nuget Package
- Install Feather Standalone As a Nuget Package
- JavaScript widget
- List of selectors scripts
- List Widget
- Localize labels of client components
- Login Form Widget
- LoginLogout button widget
- MVC breadcrumb widget
- MVC Categories Widget
- MVC Feed widget
- MVC Image gallery widget
- MVC Language selector widget
- MVC Site selector widget
- MVC Subscribe form widget
- MVC Tags widget
- MVC Unsubscribe Form Widget
- MVC Widgets Development
- Navigation Widget
- News Widget
- Orphaned pages
- Overriding the default widget designer buttons
- Page templates based on layout files with Feather
- Pass server data to widget designer views
- Priorities for resolving MVC widgets views
- Profile widget
- Refer to resources inside MVC views
- Registration Widget
- Retrieve the URL reference to an embedded resource
- Reviews widget
- Search Box Widget
- Search results widget
- sfDates
- sfInfiniteScroll
- sfLibrariesService
- Social Share Widget
- Troubleshooting Guide
- Upgrade instructions
- Upgrade the Navigation widget from Feather
- Use a blog post selector
- Use a blog selector
- Use a custom widget designer window
- Use a DateTime picker
- Use a document selector
- Use a drag and drop directive
- Use a dynamic items selector
- Use a feed selector
- Use a file url field
- Use a file url selector
- Use a flat taxon field
- Use a flat taxon selector
- Use a framework package
- Use a generic collection directive
- Use a generic tree directive
- Use a hierarchical taxon selector
- Use a Language selector
- Use a library selector
- Use a Link selector
- Use a mailing list selector
- Use a media field directive
- Use a multiple content item selector
- Use a multisite page selector
- Use a news selector
- Use a page selector
- Use a role selector
- Use a search box directive
- Use a single content item selector
- Use a site selector
- Use a sort box directive
- Use a TimeSpan selector
- Use a user selector
- Use a video selector
- Use an aspect ratio selection
- Use an image field directive
- Use an image selector
- Use an infinite scroll directive
- Use components for resolving script dependencies
- Use content selectors outside of a widget designer's view
- Use Link selector in Content block widget
- Use MVC Image gallery widget to display the related images of a dynamic item
- Use relative routes API
- Use Sections for resources
- Use the old WebForms widget designer with Feather widgets
- Users list widget
- Video gallery widget
- VirtualFile structure explained
- Work with widget templates