Dungeons - Shrub74/ProjectGlorious GitHub Wiki
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Great Library
A huge library buried underground, houses the Lich. Full of possessed books that fly.
Entry: Players enter through a magnificent Greek/Arab door Top Levels: Grand bookcases, greek/arab architecture. Doors hidden behind bookcases. Middle Levels: Dusty, and dim. Lower levels: Water pouring in, some sections slightly flooded. Boss room: The Serapeum, a secluded study with waterfalls
Enemies: Book (Pest), Boss: Lich
Edge of the World
A dungeon on the edge of the world. Lovely backdrop. Lots of floating islands and rocks and gaps. Can fall out of the Earth.
Ice Cavern
Generic Ice Cavern. Try to be very fun. Try to avoid slippy-ice as a gimmick.
Old Castle
An old castle dungeon (an actual dungeon) to explore
Clockwork Dungeon
Clockwork dungeon, many puzzles and traps and steampunk aesthetic.
Highly Gothic-flavoured dungeon, possibly starts in a cemetery, tombs, catacombs. Lots of undead enemies. Boss: Der Ritter
Mix-up Dungeon
Players start at different locations in the Dungeon.
Oldest City
Some analogue of Dobrovody, set in some analogue of Ukraine. An ancient buried city.
Fur Trader Place
Something set in the Russian Winter. Something to do with Fur Traders. Cabins and forests and snow and fire.