Git Guide - ScrantonHacks/ScrantonHacks_TRPG GitHub Wiki

Git is a version control system that works on just about every operating system that is currently in use. Guides for downloading the command-line tools (and for some systems a GUI), as well as more comprehensive guides, can be found at Git.


An important detail to keep in mind for this project is that the codebase is being actively modified by a team. Git will not make assumptions as to what changes are the desired changes for the final version of the project. As a result, Git provides a system for making concurrent changes without interfering in the work of the other contributors. Every time you intend to make any kind of change to the source code, run git branch [branch-name] and git checkout [branch-name]. Continue to periodically commit your changes and run git push origin [branch-name]. Once you've finished making changes, refer to GitHub Pull Requests.


The act of sending a new working set to the git repository is called making a commit. Once a set of changes has been made, git status will display what has been modified, added, or deleted. As of this moment nothing has been changed in the local repository. In order to save those changes, you need to run git add [file], supplying each filename that you want to save. If you don't mind sending all of the changes you've made, you can use the * wildcard to tell git to stage all of your changes (git add *). From here you may choose to commit the changes you've staged. The syntax for this is git commit -am "[commit-message]". The next command is git push origin [branch-name] in order to share your changes with the GitHub repository.

Git Functions

GitHub Issues

GitHub Pull Requests

GitHub Releases