GitHub Pull Requests - ScrantonHacks/ScrantonHacks_TRPG GitHub Wiki

GitHub provides a system for handling pull requests for merging branches into one another.

Suppose that you have a branch called test-branch that you've finished working on and want to include your changes in the main repository. On the main navigation bar of the GitHub repository's home page, you'll see a tab labeled Pull Requests. Click the large green New Pull Request button. From there you should see a Compare changes screen. Set the base to master and set compare to [branch-name]. Save the pull request, but DO NOT take any further action. The pull request will be checked, tested, and merged by someone else chosen from the team. This is to ensure that any errors that the opener of the pull request might have missed don't make it into master. If anything is broken by a pull request, the request should be re-opened with a reviewer requested and an invalid label.