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''This page contains in-depth background information about SMT and the Portage project. It has not been updated since 2009. Although out of date in several ways, it is still presents the foundations current SMT technology is built on. To get started quickly, skip to the next page.''

Portage is a project to explore new techniques in Statistical Machine Translation (SMT), and to develop state-of-the-art SMT technology that can be used to support other projects at NRC and elsewhere. See the public_project_page for a high-level view of the project.

The SMT system developed under the Portage project is also called "Portage". The Portage system is designed so that it can automatically acquire translation knowledge in a process called ''training''. Once it is trained on text from a given pair of languages, it can be used to translate between those languages. To translate a new source sentence, it tries out various ways of translating ''phrases'' (short sequences of words) within the sentence, and in the end chooses the set of phrase translations and a way of concatenating them into a target sentence that it considers most probable.

Various commercial releases of Portage have been made. Since this page provides background about the project and all its variants, we use "Portage" to refer generically to the research version or any of the commercial releases: PORTAGE''shared'', Portage 1.x, or PORTAGE shared.

The contents of this page are as follows:


The Portage project began in the fall of 2004, and had produced a working baseline system by the end of that year. In 2005, the Portage system was mature enough to achieve reasonably good results in the NIST MT evaluation (general information: http://www.nist.gov/speech/tests/mt , specific information about 2005 evaluation: http://www.nist.gov/speech/tests/mt/2005/doc/mt05eval_official_results_release_20050801_v3.html) and the ACL WPT evaluation (http://www.statmt.org/wpt05). Results for the same two evaluations in 2006 were considerably better, both in absolute terms and relative to other SMT systems participating (http://www.nist.gov/speech/tests/mt/, http://www.statmt.org/wmt06/shared-task/). Language pairs supported by the end of 2005 included English/French (both directions); and Chinese, Arabic, and several European languages into English. Also in 2005, the Portage system began to participate in the massive GALE project funded by DARPA (the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), as part of the Nightingale consortium led by SRI International. Since then, Portage has taken part in four GALE evaluations (July 2006, June 2007, December 2007, and November 2008). In these evaluations, Portage formed part of a combination of several systems; though it is difficult to evaluate its contribution separately, there are strong indications that it contributed significantly to the successful final result. In addition, the system participated in the June 2007 WMT shared task, and in the Jan./Feb. 2008 NIST Chinese-English evaluation. In the former, a Portage-SYSTRAN hybrid system was ranked first by human evaluators and second by the automatic BLEU metric for the English-French Europarl task, and was ranked second by human evaluators and first by the BLEU metric for the News task. In the latter, a combination of Portage and systems from Microsoft and SRI placed first of 20 systems (by itself, Portage would have ranked 8th of 20). Ongoing research topics include Chinese preprocessing, adaptation, significance testing of phrase table entries, and smoothing.

How Portage Translates Text

Translation is done in two passes: in the first pass (which is called ''decoding''), a small set of information sources is used to generate a short ''N-best'' list of highly-probable target sentences. In a second pass called ''rescoring'', a larger set of information sources is applied to choose the final output. Here is a diagram illustrating the translation of a single source-language sentence:


By following the black arrows around the edge of this diagram step by step, one can see how a single, target-language translation is generated. The box marked ''preprocessor'' cleans up and standardizes the source-language input in a way that is language-dependent. For instance, in the case of French input, the preprocessor converts all words to lower-case and splits units like ''l'homme'' into ''l' homme''; in the case of Chinese input, it splits continuous sequences of Chinese characters into Chinese words delimited by whitespace. See TextProcessing for a description of these steps and related file formats.

The decoder uses a scoring function based on the small set of information sources to generate the N-best list of hypotheses in order from best to worst; each hypothesis is accompanied by a score (not shown). The decoder in our Portage system is called "Canoe". Using a rescoring function based on the large set of information sources, the rescorer assigns new scores to each of the N hypotheses generated by the decoder. This may result in a new ordering from best to worst. In the example, the rescorer decided that based on the more complete information contained in the large set of information sources, the third hypothesis generated by the decoder deserves to be considered as the best hypothesis (the hypothesis that used to be Nth is promoted to second place, and the one that used to be second is demoted to Nth place). Finally, the postprocessor carries out some language-dependent formatting to ensure that the final output looks acceptable - for instance, in our current system this is where English output undergoes capitalization where appropriate.

A reasonable question would be: if the large set of information sources does a better job than the small set, why not use the large set during decoding and eliminate the second ''rescoring'' pass? Some information sources may be very computationally expensive; applying them to a short list of hypotheses is typically much less expensive than applying them during decoding. Other information sources may be applicable only to a complete sentence hypothesis (for instance, one could imagine an information source that assigned a score to the grammatical correctness of an entire sentence, but not to partial sentences). Both kinds of information sources belong in the rescorer, but not the decoder.

Note that the diagram shows the small set as being a subset of the large set. This makes sense - it wouldn't make sense to deprive the rescorer of a type of information that's available to the decoder. Also, note that for both the decoder and the rescorer, there are two information sources that have a special status: the ''phrase translation model'' and the ''language model''. Other information sources may be omitted, but these two are essential; at least one of each is required for SMT to work (we may have several of each). Broadly speaking, the ''phrase translation model'' tells the system how to translate a short sequence of words in the source language into a short sequence of words in the target language, while the ''language model'' tells the system what sequences of words in the target language are most likely (the language model doesn't know anything about the source language).

Detail on using the Canoe decoder is given in Translating.

How Portage is Trained


The diagram above shows how the main components of the Portage SMT system are trained. The four green ovals in the diagram are the outputs: the ''phrase translation model'', the target ''language model'', the ''weights on the small set'' of information sources used by the decoder, and the ''weights on the large set'' of information sources used by the rescorer. The diagram does NOT show how models other than the ''phrase translation model'' and the target ''language model'' are trained.

Translation Model Training

The ''phrase translation model'' is trained on parallel texts, which are documents that exist in both source and target language versions. These cannot be used in their raw form, but must be preprocessed; typically, the preprocessing for the source-language text is different from the preprocessing for the target-language text. Preprocessing culminates in a ''sentence alignment'' process that establishes translation correspondences at the sentence level (thus, a sentence on the source or target side will be thrown out if it doesn't have a matching sentence in the other language). The resulting clean, sentence-aligned parallel corpus is input to a multi-stage training process that generates a set of phrase pairs.

This multi-stage process has two main phases, a ''word alignment model training'' and a ''phrase pair extraction'' phase. A formal description of five mathematical models for translation is given in (Brown_et_al1993#Brownetal1993); since the authors of the paper were then at IBM, the models in the paper have become known as IBM models 1, 2, 3, and so on. In the current Portage system, of these IBM models, only 1 and 2 are used (some other SMT systems use higher-order IBM models). Practically speaking, these models provide a way of aligning individual words in a source-language sentence in the sentence-aligned parallel corpus with individual words in the corresponding target-language sentence (and vice versa). An alternative approach to word alignment is based on Hidden Markov Models (HMMs); this alternative approach is also implemented in Portage. We currently obtain our best experimental results by applying both IBM 1 & 2 and HMM-based word alignment.

These IBM word-word alignments for the parallel corpus are a necessary precursor to the next step, ''phrase pair extraction'', in which a contiguous sequence of N words in a source-language sentence in the corpus can be aligned to a continuous sequence of M words in the corresponding target-language sentence (with no requirement that N=M). In the SMT literature, these chunks of N contiguous source words or M contiguous target words are called "phrases", but that doesn't mean they are what a linguist would call phrases - they have no guaranteed syntactic properties. Finally, a count of extracted phrase pairs in the parallel corpus yields the phrase translation model (which is described in mathematical terms below).

The Portage programs for translation model training are described in ConstructingModels#TranslationModels.

Language Model Training

Another essential step is to train a ''language model'' on target-language text. The ''language model'' specifies which sequences of words in the target language are most likely. To explain things in grossly over-simplified terms, the role of the ''phrase translation model'' is to suggest words and short word sequences that may occur somewhere in the target sentence (because they are translations of words and short word sequences in the source), while the role of the ''language model'' is to arrange them in an order that looks natural in the target language. In Portage (and most other SMT systems) the language model evaluates the probability of a sequence of target-language words, based on estimates derived from N-gram counts. For instance, if N=3 the probability that a word w3 will occur is modeled as a function of the two preceding words: the preceding word w2, and the word preceding w2, w1. Roughly speaking, the conditional probability P(w3|w1 w2) is estimated as the ratio of the count of the word sequence (w1, w2, w3) to the count of the word sequence (w1, w2) in some huge corpus. As the diagram shows, this training corpus typically includes the target-language portion of the clean, aligned parallel corpus, and often additional target-language texts.

Programs for language model training are described in ConstructingModels.

Decoder Model Training

Although the diagram above only shows one phrase translation model and one language model, we frequently use several different parallel corpora to train several phrase translation models, and also frequently use several target-language corpora to train several language models. Other information sources may also be included - for instance, a model of word reordering across the two languages involved (often called a ''distortion model''), a model predicting the probability of the length of a target sentence given the length of the source sentence, and others. These other information sources will not be enumerated here because the list is constantly changing, and may differ from one language pair to another. What these information sources have in common is that all of them yield a numerical score to a target-language hypothesis, given the source (in the case of the language models and possibly some of the other information sources, that score is independent of the source, i.e., depends solely on the target hypothesis). Some of these information sources are more reliable than others, so the global score for a given target hypothesis is a weighted combination of the scores assigned to it by the various components. The mathematical details are given below.

The weights assigned to each set of information sources have a powerful impact on the output of the system. Recall that there are two such sets of information sources, a small set that is used by the Canoe decoder, and a large set (a superset of the small set) that is used by the rescorer, as illustrated in the diagram below. Thus, two important steps of the training process are setting the weights on the small set of information sources, and setting the weights on the large set of weights. Optimization of weights for the small set is performed by invoking a process called ''COW'' (for ''Canoe Optimize Weights''); optimization of weights for the large set is performed by a process called ''rescoring''. To find weights for a set of information sources, both COW and rescoring require a bilingual development corpus ("dev" for short) consisting of source sentences together with high-quality reference translations of these sentences into the target language. These two processes look for weights on the information sources that cause Portage to generate translations that resemble these reference translations, according to the chosen metric (see next section). Note that it is sometimes advantageous to use two different development corpora, dev1 and dev2, to optimize weights for the decoder and the rescorer respectively.


The algorithm used by COW is described in Och_2003#Och2003. It is shown in the figure below. To understand the figure, note that the algorithm requires an initial set of weights on the "small" set of information sources (in the past, we've often initialized arbitrarily with a weight of 1 on every "small" information source except the number-of-words model, which typically received a weight of 0). Using these initial weights, the decoder translates each of the D source-language sentences in the dev corpus into N target-language hypotheses. We have found that a value of N around 100 or 200 yields good results for COW. (The dev corpus is shown here as having exactly one reference translation per source-language sentence, but COW can also be run with several reference translations per source-language sentence).


The list of the D N-best hypotheses is then passed to "rescore_train". This procedure calls the BLEU scoring module to obtain a score based on a list of the D top-ranked hypotheses - ''i.e.'', by giving the BLEU scoring module the first translation hypothesis for each of the D source-language sentences. In calculating the score, the BLEU scoring module compares this list of D 1-best hypotheses to the corresponding reference translations in the dev corpus. Inside "rescore_train", new weights on the "small" set are tried out. Each new set of weights puts the N hypotheses for a given source sentence in a different order, typically resulting in a change in the list of D 1-best hypotheses, and thus in the BLEU score based on these. As shown in the figure, "rescore_train" generates several different, randomly chosen, weight vectors that are used to initialize search. Each of the K randomly chosen initial vector of weights is input to a module that implements Powell's algorithm, which iteratively explores a region in the neighbourhood of the initial vector. The module returns a new weight vector yielding a better BLEU score for the list of hypotheses fed into "rescore_train" than the BLEU score yielded by the initial weight vector. Thus, after having called Powell's algorithm K times with K different random initial vectors, one ends up with K different optimized vectors, each yielding a reasonably good BLEU score on the D N-best lists. From these K vectors, "rescore_train" selects and outputs the one yielding the highest BLEU score. NOTE: K is not necessarily fixed - it may be determined dynamically. Furthermore, although we have described the K initial random weight vectors as being generated randomly, they may be set in a way that depends on earlier results.

The new weights from "rescore_train" are input to the decoder, which applies them to the "small" set of information sources to produce N new hypotheses for each of the D source sentences. For each of the D source sentences, this new set of N hypotheses is merged with the previous set; ranking is done using the most recently calculated "small set" weights. The resulting ordered, expanded list of hypotheses may yield a lower BLEU score than was obtained by the same set of weights applied to the previous hypothesis list. The reason for this is that for a given source sentence, the most recent decoding may have generated a new hypothesis that is ranked as best by the "small set" sources but which has a poor BLEU score. Thus, the expanded list is resubmitted to "rescore_train", which attempts to find a new vector of weights that will reorder the expanded hypothesis list in a way that generates a high BLEU score.

The cycle is iterated, with each new set of N hypotheses for each source sentence from the decoder being merged with all previously generated hypotheses for that source sentence into the expanded hypothesis list. In theory, the number of hypotheses per source sentence in the expanded list could thus increase by N each time the decoder is called. In practice, since there are many duplicates, the number of unique hypotheses in the expanded list grows much more slowly than this.

Clearly, COW is not guaranteed to improve the BLEU score monotonically - after each decoding, the BLEU score may go down or may go up (compared to the previous BLEU score). Convergence will occur eventually, when the decoder is no longer generating sentences that have a high score according to the current vector of weights on the "small" set but a poor BLEU score. In practice, since convergence may take many iterations, we often let the algorithm carry out a reasonable number of iterations and then choose a vector of "small" weights that are both reasonable (e.g., no zero weights on any information source) and yielded a BLEU score that is as high as possible. Overall, COW can be thought of as a form of discriminative training, in which the expanded list contains hypotheses typical of the ones the decoder will generate in actual operation, and the goal is to find settings for the "small" weights that ensure the best-scoring of these hypotheses come out top on the N-best list most of the time.

The Portage programs for decoder-model training are described in OptimizingWeights.

Rescoring Model Training

Once the weights on the "small" set of information sources have been determined by COW, the weights on the "large" set used by the rescorer are found. This step of weight training is called "rescoring", and is shown below:


This step is much less costly than COW, since the list of D N-best hypotheses is fixed; the decoder is called only once. The objective of this step is to find weights on the "large" set of information sources that will reorder the N hypotheses for each source sentence in a way that yields a high BLEU score - ''i.e.'', in a way that ensures that the top hypothesis for each source sentences is "good" according to BLEU. As in COW, this weight-finding is carried out by "rescore_train". We have found that using a value of N larger than that used for COW works well here - for instance, N=1000 or N=500. Note that the information from the "large" set is communicated by what we call "feature functions".

The Portage programs for rescoring training are described in OptimizingWeights.

Metrics for Evaluating MT System Performance

How does one tell whether an MT system is producing good translations? In principle, evaluating the quality of translations should be done by human beings, preferably by professional translators. Two traditional measures of translation quality are ''adequacy'' - how accurately the translation conveys the information contained in the source text - and ''fluency'' - how natural the translation into the target language sounds. Adequacy can only be judged by a human being who is bilingual in the source and target languages, and fluency can only be judged by a human being who is extremely fluent in (ideally, a native speaker of) the target language.

Unfortunately, the development of an SMT system requires a far greater amount of evaluation than can practically be done by human beings. For instance, each iteration of COW (the weight optimization process mentioned in the previous section) generates a large set of new translations for the source sentences, each of which must be assigned a quality score.

Thus, the practical development of an SMT system requires metrics for MT quality that can be applied automatically. The SMT community's solution to this problem has been to develop metrics that measure the similarity of the computer-generated translations for the sentences in a given source text with reference translations for the same sentences generated by a professional human translator. These automatic metrics typically compare the choices of words, bigrams, trigrams and so on made by the SMT system in the target language with those made by the human translator. The potential pitfall is obvious: suppose that the reference translation of a sentence is "The man was very rude", system A's translation was "He expressed himself with utter tactlessness", and system B's translation was "The man was very polite". Under any metric based on N-gram overlaps, A will receive the lowest possible score, while B will receive a high score. To minimize the frequency with which this kind of faulty scoring occurs, there should ideally be several different reference translations, made by translators with different writing styles.

Arguing about the details of the best automatic metric to use is a popular pastime in the SMT community. One of the most frequently employed metrics is called BLEU, originally defined in this paper (BLEU_paper#BLEUPaper); Portage is typically trained to maximize the BLEU score. However, the COW and rescoring algorithms can easily be called so as to optimize Portage according to some other metric, such as word error rate (WER) or position-independent word error rate (PER).

Automatic evaluation of Portage's translation output is described in Evaluation.

The Mathematics of SMT


The figure above illustrates the evolution of the mathematical framework underlying SMT systems. The first equation shown is derived from Bayes's Law: if we let S represent the sequence of words in the source language that should be translated, then we are looking for the sequence of target-language words T that have the highest probability given S. Thus, we are trying to maximize P(T|S). Since P(T|S) = P(S|T)*P(T)/P(S), and since P(S) (the probability of the source-language sentence) is constant, finding the T that maximizes P(T|S) is equivalent to maximizing P(S|T)*P(T).

Surprisingly, it turns out to be a better strategy to attack the SMT task indirectly by maximizing P(S|T)*P(T) rather than directly, by maximizing P(T|S). A possible explanation is that researchers in the field still haven't come up with particularly good direct models of translation, while the monolingual N-gram language models used to estimate P(T) are remarkably effective for modeling most potential target languages. These language models, incidentally, were developed before modern SMT, mainly by researchers in automatic speech recognition; two excellent public-domain language-modeling toolkits are available (from SRI and CMU). Thus, the indirect approach to SMT allows one to benefit from a powerful, easily available information source that has been very useful in other contexts. Note also that the language model component P(T) can often be trained on far more data than either the P(S|T) or the P(T|S) models, since bilingual, sentence-aligned data is required to train the latter two models, while P(T) is trained on unilingual target-language texts.

This brings us to the next stage in the evolution of SMT systems. If one of the two components in the expression P(S|T)*P(T) is more reliably modeled than the other (in most cases, the language model is the more reliable of the two), then one can assign a higher weight to it as shown in the figure under "SMT with Two Weighted Components". Note that this weighted combination of two components is typically expressed in loglinear form.

Finally, we can add other information sources: see the part of the figure labeled "Loglinear Combination of Multiple Components". These information sources will be of two types: those that depend on the relationship between the source sentence and the target hypothesis, which are denoted f() in the figure (we can think of these as "adequacy" information sources) and those that depend only on the quality of the target hypothesis, which are denoted g() in the figure (we can think of these as "fluency" information sources). A typical SMT system such as Portage will include an estimate of the backward translation probability P(S|T) as one of the f() information sources, and the language model probability P(T) as one of the g() information sources. Above, we noted that it seems strange that P(T|S), the forward translation probability, isn't used in the Bayes's Law formulation of SMT; in the multicomponent loglinear formulation, we can include this information source as one of the f() sources, if we wish.

The above is a very high-level overview describing how our SMT system, Portage, currently works. For insight into the research (mainly performed by people outside our group) underlying this kind of SMT system, see our AnnotatedBibliography.

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