JediPedia - SWTOR-Slicers/WikiPedia GitHub Wiki
In you can find the following tools and information:
The SWTOR Database: it lets us search for any in-game term (characters' names, armor gear, locations, etc.), returning a list of entries covering all the ways the item is mentioned in the database: 3D object references, codex entries, abilities, etc. Delving in them, we can get identifiers and paths for finding those in SWTOR's internal data structure and in our game asset extraction files, helping us automate processes to some extent such as autotexturing objects in Blender.
File Reader: it replaces the functionality on many really old apps such as EasyMYP (to inspect the contents of SWTOR's .tor files), NodeViewer (to explore the data in SWTOR's node tree) or PugTools (to view and export game assets). By feeding it the .tor files (all of them at once, typically), it lets us explore just everything and how it is interconnected. What's more, it lets us visualize and export objects, textures, music, area data, etc.).
World Viewer: it lists all the game areas in the data base and, by feeding it the .tor files, reconstructs them in 3D and lets us flyby them!
File Names: This page keeps track of the latest additions to the list of known game assets and their internal identifiers, which our ExtracTOR tool uses to extract and name them in an usable manner. There are links to download the list (a simple text file:
) combining the most recently released Game Update of SWTOR with those of the Public Test Servers ("Live"). There's also the one from the game's betas before its original release ("Beta"), and both combined ("All").