Applying SWTOR animations to a skeleton - SWTOR-Slicers/WikiPedia GitHub Wiki


This is a quick and dirty provisional guide before we add screencaps and more details.

Where are the game's animations stored?

The animations are stored at SWTOR Slicers app's Output Folder\resources\anim. Of the various folders there, it's the one named \humanoid where we can find our player characters' animations (and humanoid NPCs'), with subfolders for each body type. The animation files use the .jba extensión.

Of the animations stored there, the ones that don't seem to work at all (do you want to know what Luke et al. would look like if the trash compactor hadn't been stopped? 😅) are the ones prefixed with an "ad_". Everything else works quite OK, although there are a few animations that result in fairly noticeable distortion: elongated necks and limbs.

(If we are using the animations to find interesting poses, as if we were screencapturing a frame in a cinematic, it's easy to eliminate thsee distortions by resetting the bones' translations while keeping the rotations, and maybe readjusting things a little)

How to apply the animations.

So, adding animations to our characters' skeletons is another of those couple-of-clicks-and-done things:

• We select the skeleton of the character we want to animate (or at least make sure it was the very last thing that was selected before deselecting everything). There's no need to switch to Pose Mode: this works in Object Mode, too. And it doesn't matter if we have several characters with skeletons: the animation will go to that selected or last-selected one.

• Then we use the .jba import to import an animation. It'll be assigned to that skeleton.

And that's it. We can move through any of the animation editors' timelines to watch the animation or look for interesting frames' poses.

Typically, the character will have turned 180º and will be looking away from the camera. That will play havok with any armor or hair bits that depend on game physics, so, they'll need some work to prevent that, by either having them rigidly follow the existing body bones or by adding our own or a cloth simulation.

There are animations for things like combat where there are files for each fighter: those animations include all their opposite to an fro movements, so, re-enacting fights is effortless.

Animation files' types per prefix.

Fellow Slicer Farlo tried the different animations per filename prefix, and this is what we have so far:

Prefix Presumed type
ad_ Additive animation (to be blended with other animations to add a range of movement). Sadly, these almost always import badly, turning the characters into a puddle on the floor.
am_ Ambient.
anim_ Morph Target Library for animations?
as_ Activation Sequence? Mounts, Holocalls, etc.
cb_ Combat
cc_ Character Creator
cd_ Cutscene Dependent? Big moments, choreographed fights, etc.
dg_ Damage
dl_ Dialog-related Animations and Gestures
em_ Emote.
ev_ Evade.
ex_ Executable/Extras?
fp_ Force Power.
humanoid_action Morph Targets for Actions.
humanoid_loco Morph Targets for Movements.
humanoid_no_aim_loco Morph Targets for Movements with no aim/head tracking?
humanoid_overlay Morph Target Overlays for blending with others.
humanoid_overlay…ad_face Facial Morph Targets for Character Moods.
mas_ Movement Activation Sequence.
mv_ Movement.
mv_cb Combat Movement.
po_ Pose.
qa_test Basic Anims for the QA team to test with.
rd_boss Raid Boss.
sc_ Space Combat.
si_ Scale Interaction (moving up and down cliff faces etc).

We recommend giving the list of filenames a quick look to get an idea of how BioWare's naming scheme works. Normally, filtering them by descriptive search words such as, say, "crossed", "dance", "mount", "sit", etc., is quite effective for finding the ones we are looking for.