Tile Server Client - STEMLab/geotools GitHub Wiki
We are starting to see implementations of servers that are "something" like a web map server. What is that something?
- view of the world split up into tiles
- tiles avaiable in a single projection
- tiles available at known zoom levels
There are a number of these servers available:
- Nasa World Wind
- Virtual Earth
- OSGeo Tile Map Service
- WMS Tile Profile
- Add-on:Virtual_Earth
- Virtual Earth (VE) in NASA WorldWind (WW)
- Tile_Map_Service_Specification
- WMS_Tiling_Client_Recommendation
So what does this client interface going to look like:
- TileService - a good name, describes what we have
- Configure with a single URL
- deleage to TileServer strategy objects (one implementation per service type)
- GeoResource
- configured with a single URI
- GeoResourceInfo describing the service
- TileInfo extension descrbing zoom levels (and anything else needed)
Represents a single tile server, actual protocol negotiated by TileStrategy object.
class TileServer {
TileServer( URL server, ProgressMonitor monitor );
TileServer( GridInfo info ); // incase info was created beforehand
GridInfo getInfo();
List<TileMap> getTileMapList();
Content is described and accessed through TileMap instances, these have enough information for rendering:
class TileMap {
TileMap( TileMapInfo info );
// data access
CoordinateReferenceSystem getCRS();
TileMapInfo getInfo(); // describes tile sets
TileSet getTileSet( ZoomLevel zoom );
class TileSet {
TileSet( TileMap, ZoomLevel zoom );
TileMap getTileMap();
ZoomLevel getZoomLevel();
//GridCoverage getTile( Coordinate position );
GridCoverage getTile( int row, int col );
TileRange getTileRange( Envelope bbox ); // must match CRS
Metadata for the TileServer needs to capture enough information for discovery:
class TileService extends Service {
TileService ( URI, Memento ); // Memento holds associated state
TileInfo info( ProgressMonitor monitor );
List<TileResource> children( ProgressMonitor monitor );
interface TileServiceInfo extends ServiceInfo {
int getTileWidth(); // often 256
int getTileHeight(); // often 256
Metadata for each TileMap captures enough information to set up a display pipeline.
class TileResource extends GeoResource {
TileResource( URI, Memento );
TileInfo getInfo( ProgressMonitor );
TileMap getTileMap( ProgressMonitor );
class TileInfo extends GeoResourceInfo {
CoordinateReferenceSystem getCRS();
SortedSet<ZoomLevel> getZoomLevels();
class ZoomLevel(){
int getScaleDenominator();
int getSize(); // number of tiles
int getNumberOfRows();
int getNumberOfColumns();
Individual protocol support is handled by TileStrategy objects. Once again this is similar to the WMS implementation.
We need a strategy object capturing the protocol specific behavior:
interface TileStrategy {
CRS getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
ReferencedEnvelope getBounds(); // Bounds include CRS
GridCoverage getTile( int x, int y, int zoom );
The factory has the difficult decision of deciding what URI it can support; factory negotiation determines the protocol used. Addition information may may be required if protocol version negotiation is also needed (as in the WMS case).
interface TileStrategyFactory {
boolean canTile( URL uri );
TileInfo createInfo( URI uri ); // used to parse descriptors
TileService createTileService( URI uri );
Part of the fun of having TileRange is the ability to interact smoothly with a Cache.
interface TileCache {
TileRange createRange( TileDraw draw, int row, int col, int rows, int cols );
TileDraw is used to isolate the TileCache; for reuse by those working with WMS or other renderers.
interface TileDraw {
GridCoverage drawPlaceholder( int row, int col );
GridCoverage drawTile( int row, int col );
The following implementations are desired:
- PassthroughTileCache - The initial implementaion can be virtual, and just create a standalone TileRange
- MemoryTileCache - uses memory up to a specified capacity
- DiskTileCache - uses diskspace up to a specified capacity
The most common compound request is handled with a special data structure, a progress monitor
is used to provide feedback on during the loadTile process, the getTiles method will return a set
of the correct size; although some GridCoverages may be transparent (or pixelated) during the
class TileRange {
ReferencedEnvelope getBounds(); // bounds of tiles represented, w/ CRS
load( ProgressMonitor ); // monitor advances as each tile is available
boolean isLoaded();
refresh( ProgressMonitor ); // leaves tiles as is, but redraws
Set<GridCoverage> getTiles(); // tiles in range