Terra - STAR-Fusion/STAR-Fusion GitHub Wiki


Run STAR-Fusion on Terra - see the STAR-Fusion Terra featured workspace.

  1. Upload your FASTQ files to your workspace bucket.


    gsutil -m cp /foo/bar/projects/*.fastq.gz gs://your_workspace_bucket_name

    The workspace bucket gs url is listed on the workspace dashboard.

    Please see here for additional documentation.

  2. Clone the workflow to your own workspace.

    See the Terra documentation for adding a workflow.

  3. In your workspace, open star_fusion_workflow in the WORKFLOWS tab. If you are running a single sample, select Run workflow with inputs defined by file paths, otherwise select Run workflow(s) with inputs defined by data table. Terra uses a workspace data table to run a workflow over multiple samples. Enter the workflow parameters and and click the Save button.


Please see the description of important inputs below.

Column Description
left_fq FASTQ file for read1
right_fq FASTQ file for read2
genome An acronym (either grch38_gencode_v32_1.8 or mouse_gencode_m23_1.8), or a gs:// URL to a custom tar.gz2 genome bundle archive.
chimeric_out_junction In lieu of FASTQ files, provide previous STAR output. For kickstart mode
sample_id Sample id
fusion_inspector inspect or validate. Runs FusionInspector in either 'inspect' or 'validate' mode
additional_flags e.g --no_annotation_filter --min_FFPM 0


Column Description
bam Aligned BAM
star_log_final STAR aligner log file.
junction Chimeric alignments
sj High confidence collapsed splice junctions in tab-delimited format
fusion_predictions Tab-delimited file containing predicted fusions.
fusion_predictions_abridged Same as fusion_predictions file but excludes the identification of the evidence fusion reads
fusion_inspector_inspect_web Interactive html report from FusionInspector inspect
fusion_inspector_inspect_fusions_abridged Abridged output from FusionInspector inspect
fusion_inspector_validate_web Interactive html report from FusionInspector validate
fusion_inspector_validate_fusions_abridged Abridged output from FusionInspector validate
extract_fusion_reads Optional FASTQ output if --extract_fusion_reads is provided as part of additional_flags input

Please see here for a detailed description of STAR-Fusion outputs and here, for a detailed description of FusionInspector outputs.