Dice Interface - SSNeckbeard/Project-Nightly-Dawn GitHub Wiki

This page is to detail options for how dice results are reported.

The goal is to provide the most information with the least amount of clutter.


Die rolls are written in the form [number of dice]d[die type]. For example 1d10 indicates one ten-sided die.

Reporting Sums

As a majority of die rolls in the Deadlands system simply take the highest roll, it will need to be established whether the default behavior is to present a sum as well as the individual die totals.

  • UI could implement a system that uses key characters or words to represent whether a die roll is a sum or not. It could also have a character dedicated to re-rolling explosions, so that the die interface can be kept universal. (i.e. SE2d10 would be a sum of 2d10 with explosions allowed)


The roller will also indicate rolls which appear to be a botch (more than 50% of the die rolls are 1's). As there are certain rolls (damage) which can never botch, this report will need to be in addition to the standard reporting.


In the Deadlands system, a die which is rolled and gets the highest number available (12 on a d12) is called an explosion. The die is rolled again and the new result is added to the previous result. This can go on infinitely, until a non exploding roll is received. Example roll of one twelve sided die: (12, 12, 12, 3) 39

The option of whether to report the rolls up to the final value will need to be determined. It is possible that reporting multiple die rolls with explosions will be too much information at once.

Fate Chips

Die rolls can be affected by fate chips. Depending on the type of chip sacrificed, the die roll will either have a die added to the sum, or another die added in the roll. When a player makes a roll with a fate chip assigned, the die interface will need to correctly communicate to the fate chip interface to remove the fate chip.