Warszawa - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
Warszawa was the capital of Eurasia, ruled by King Kami the First. It was named after the real-life capital of Poland. It took up a large portion of Poland's map, and was located in central to eastern Poland as well as the Kaliningrad Oblast, with single chunks reaching Slovakia and Lithuana. It bordered Gdynia and West_Warszawa to the West and Lechograd to the East.
Old Warsaw
Old Warsaw was started on the first day of McAtlas and was ruled by King Stimar, ruler of the Poland nation. It rapidly grew thanks to its iron industries. In that period, Warsaw and Krakow were created. After the resignation of the first king, ownership was given to Windows_virus, and later to k0rnel. In that time, Warsaw so no growth, so Krakow became the nation's capital. After Krakow fell due to inactivity, so did the nation.
Kamiheartlemon era
On December 20th 2019, kamiheartlemon left Doha to start a town named Warszawa and joined the German Empire. The town grew to 30 members shortly, causing Kami to consider secession, as he believed Warszawa to not be a German town. In late December, a new nation of Poland was formed. The nation quickly grew, reaching top 10 in little time. This caused Germany to consider Poland a threat, accusing it of stealing towns, claimblocking and allegedly moust4che2 calling Kami the n-word over Discord. As a result, Poland declared Germany an enemy. The conflict ended with the fall of the German Empire.
In mid-January, Warszawa claimed territory previously belonging to Krakow. Its number of citizens used to vary between 100-130. Near the end of the year, Kami stopped recruiting new citizens, dropping the number of citizens to between 20 and 30.
Sudden end
On midnight, 16th of January 2021 Kami accidentally deleted the town by typing /t delete instead of /t spawn. The fall of the city gathered crowds to a raid. The king quickly reclaimed most important chunks of the city, and had his riches (~500k gold) given back to him by admins. The reclaimed chunks were part of the Soviet Union. Due to the fall, Kami announced his departure from Eurasia and crowned Gamer of Croatia its next king.
The central areas of the city were claimed by charliver, starting a new Warszawa. The southernmost territories of the city were claimed by k0rnel, starting a new Krakow. The new towns are part of Greater Bavaria.