The Dharma Initiative - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
The Dharma (Department of Heuristics And Research on Material Applications) Initiative is a scientific research project and trans-national organization that has a significant presence on MCAtlas. The Dharma Initiative is committed towards identifying, classifying, and preserving historical sites, Fallen Towns, and Fallen Nations all around the world. The project is represented by variations of an octagonal logo, a variation of the Ba Gua, which comes from Taoist mysticism, that appear on most of its products and facilities. The real Dharma Initiative originates from the world famous television series, Lost, which aired from 2004-2010. Lost is known for being the tv show that really inspired the amazing tv shows we appreciate today. They all in some way took something from Lost. Do not go researching information for the Dharma Initiative, as it will reveal many spoilers and compromise your experience of appreciating the thrill of the show. The tv show Lost is about a commercial airliner plane carrying 324 passengers that crashes onto a very mysterious island in the Pacific...
Founded by Auchimonde on September 22, 2020, The Dharma Initiative established its original HQ on a mysterious island, in the Pacific, in his first town he ever created, Occupied_Hawaii. Auchimonde, the Leader of and Head of Research for the Dharma Initiative, first recruited the other leader of the neighboring town and his new friend Freddy1284, owner of Hawaii, who who helped establish the Initative with Auchimonde, with Freddy1284 becoming Vice-Leader. Freddy1284, having shown a natural passion for the projects and his enthusiasm driving his dedication, demonstrated that he was more than qualified for the job. Freddy and Auchimonde both left their towns, with Auchimonde entrusting Lionheart164, Head of Agricultural Research, with the original home of the DI. Auchimonde and Freddy knew they could achieve much more, and to build legitimacy for the organization as a whole, it needed a more appealing, historically significant, and larger place. On November 24, 2020, Auchimonde founded The Great City of Meereen in the city center of Ur, which was considered the "treasure of the sands" and by far one of the prettiest cites in all of MCAtlas. Auchimonde, fulfilling the original reasonings for the move, also establish The Dharma Initiative Occupied Territories, which is not a nation so far as it is a sort of territorial holdings across the world, in both towns and wilderness spaces.
The mysterious Dharma Initiative Stations also play an integral role of the entire project. There were a total of 42 Dharma Initiative Stations constructed all across the MCAtlas World Map. Most of these Stations are hidden in the Wilderness, and each individual Station has its own unique design, function, and research focus. However, these Stations are also meant to be discovered by random MCAtlas players, as Auchimonde always imagined finding a buried secret when he was a new player on a server, and so he did just that. Each Station, if found as undiscovered, the Station will contain a special unique treasure. This may seem as if is a sort of hoax, however this is not the case. Stations are not replenished with treasure once discovered, and as of April 23, 2020, 7 Stations have been discovered and looted. Some of the treasures include dragon eggs, beacons, gold, diamonds, god armor, tridents, and more precious and high quality items, although general supplies might also be found along with a rare item. An example of a station can be found in Meereen, infront of spawn to the left a bit, across the bridge and next to the player heads on armor stands is a concrete hatch in the ground. You can enter it. A Dharma Initiative Station list can be updated on the wiki by players who discover new stations. Be sure to add screenshots, as the Stations are designed with a special architectural design Auchimonde coined "Dharmesqe" which means it has strong 1970s Industrial Futurist-Brutalist vibe, as intended. Initially, the Dharma Initiative was at first a secret organization, privately reaching out to potential recruits. However, due to MCAtlas's relatively small consistent player base, the Dharma Initiative opened to all who anyone who wants to join. As of April 23, 2020, the Dharma Initiative has a total of 45 confirmed members, and always welcoming more.
The Initiative's general goal was to originally manipulate scientific laws in order to change any of the six factors of the Valenzetti Equation, a sequence that was believed to have some connection to the date marking the end of humanity, in hopes of delaying such a date. The Dharma Initiative recognizes that MCAtlas may be used as an academic case study in the future, where later generations will study early Minecraft open-world political, social, and economic dynamics of the players, especially the fact that the playerbase is comprised almost entirely of teenagers. The Dharma Initiative seeks to also aid the future researchers by consolidating information and recording history, as we do not know what details they will want in the future, so the Initiative tries to record as much as it can, as if you might remember what its like citing sources, imagine MCAtlas being a source for studies in the future, we just help compile the information. Engagement with Dharma Initiative documentation is done simply updating or in some cases edit, different pages on the wiki. And the irony is, that if you help contribute to updating the wiki, it could even mean your Minecraft character and town can live on in digital memory forever as generations in higher education will study how you spent your freetime and had fun on the computer, wanting as little to do with school as possible.
Do you like to explore MCAtlas? Do you appreciate its history? If so, join The Dharma Initiative. You efforts will make the server a brighter place for all, across timeless generation for the continuance of human existence. New Recruits also get a free Dharma Initiative Map Art and Dharma Initiative Banner to keep. Save the World. Namaste, Thank You, and Good Luck.