Dharma Initiative Stations - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
The Dharma Initiative may be known for the documentation and management of many fallen towns and settlements around the world, however it also serves to research, material and block behaviors, physics, properties, functions, and applications. Research on these fields is conducted across 42 Dharma Initiative Stations. These Dharma Initiative Stations are scattered and hidden throughout the MCAtlas world, and each station is unique in operation, design, size, and purpose. The Stations, while appealing in theoretical functions, do not serve much benefit. Instead the practical purpose of the design and construction of these stations is meant as a global treasure hunt, as each Station, if it is the first to be discovered, will contain a plethora of items and valuables. Some stations may feature stacks of Iron, Red Sandstone, and Prismarine, most will contain gold, iron blocks, diamonds, netherite, ancient debris, rare items, and other useful materials. It is also meant to be an interesting challenge for explorers, as most stations are hidden very well in the wilds, though none require the breaking of any blocks, other than iron doors, to access. If you happen to discover a station, take a screenshot and upload it to this page, and feel free to give the location if you desire, or you can keep it secret. Please do not destroy the stations, and allow others to appreciate their weirdness and oddly interesting features. You may take only the valuables in the chests. Thank you for your time, and Namaste and Good Luck to those who wish to discover these Stations.