The Colombian Cat Killings - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki


The Great Cat Killings occurred on the 22nd of February 2021, A group of players began to turn the Sahara into an ocean. Before major damage could occur Mod kamiheartlemon came on and stopped them. When they heard he was going to roll it back players were enraged. They decided to band together and retaliated. Players started to protest in his town Colombia and when they saw they could boat glitch to steal cats, they stormed to break into the cat cafe building. With many cats resining inside kami franticly tried to stop people but some got away. A player Onag (later banned for griefing outside town claims) got away with a cat named “Me” and many other cats were taken. Soon the owner of the cats elaine0204 came online in shock and anger. Both residents of Colombia trying to save the cats and get people away from the building. About 6 people got banned and some even warned. Inside the cafe elaine hurried to place blocks and stop the boat glitch. Inside Kami and elaine tried to get GH5T and FrenchieCBT to leave and were told if they didn’t leave they would be warned for harassment. Players were not happy with the rule enforcement and yelled at kami calling him a simp and a bad staff. It was a stressful time but soon all came to a stop. All cats that could were rolled back and moved to a secure location. Recently during a fight with Kami, Demadunk, and Onag all cats disappeared never to be seen again. With Colombia on secure lockdown and people still upset led to harassment to the two and even two players who griefed outside town claims. This recent protest hasn’t been the first one occurring in Colombia. The first with elaine ramping up people about protesting for adding war names which quickly got out of hand leading to people griefing. Hopefully this will be the last of protest and Colombia can lay in peace.












(if you know more participants add them here)