Persia - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
Persia was a small, unsignificant nation founded by akino_s. It had the capital of Isfahan. At it's peak Persia sported around 7 members, which is practically nothing.
Persia was founded together with Isfahan (probably in march) Isfahan was the capital until akino_s quit, giving onag, back then known as vlaamsbelang_, before changing their name to ark_van_corona. With Isfahan, the largest town (with 5 members at its peak) disbanded, Persia's population dropped to 2, onag and mantjas. When onag realised how expensive nation upkeep was (Tehran only had a few 100 gold) he decided to disband the nation and joined Hafixion's caliphate right before Hafixion got banned for X-ray.
The reason why I made this page, is because Persia was so insignificant, it might be the most unknown nation in all of MCAtlas