Holy Roman Empire - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
The Holy Roman Empire (HRE), occasionally referred to as Grosdeutschland[sic], Holy Roman Egirls, or even Kingdom of SEX, was a general Central-European nation. Its latest capital was Stalone, and its last leader, Kaiser WeeEejit. It last included the towns of Flueelapass, Viennagrad, Copenhagen, Prussia, before their departure to join the USSR (or fall in the case of Prussia). Its current capital is Isola_dElba, and it consists of Berlin-Centre, Liverpool and JoeBoneyTown2. It peaked at 198 residents.
The First HRE
The first HRE, Holy_Roman_Empire, was one of the three dominant nations of Europe before Europa. It is assumed to have been founded on either July 5th or 6th, 2019. Its capital was Berlin (Not the german empire one), which is remembered to have been founded on July 5th, 2019. According to the memorial for it in Copenhagen, the nation topped at 9 towns, which were the following: Arstotzka, Stuttgart, Königsberg, Copenhagen, Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Frankfurt and oddly enough Boston. The nation was led by S0meth1ng, who left the server on July 12th, according to CPH's History 1.
The Second HRE
The Second HRE was created through Vienna and Copenhagen by Mijo6000 inspired by the first one which also contained both towns. It was important to MCAtlas History and was historically a large nation.
The Third HRE
The SPQR, a nation considered a predecessor of the third HRE, was founded on July 24th 2020 and deleted on July 10th 2020. After being shut down, it was quickly recreated and renamed.
On October 6th, Kaiser WeeEejit announced leaving the nation to "defeat Eurasia". Like many other towns, Stalone joined the USSR.
Important events
The Third HRE took part in a conflict between Stalone and Belgium, Stalone and Kyiv and a Lechograd siege.