GameControlData - RoboCup-Humanoid-TC/GameController GitHub Wiki


This is the root entry point for the Protocol.

C-Type Bytes Identifier Explanation
char[4] 4 Header A String that is considered the Header 'RGme'
uint16_t 2 Protocol Version Identifying the Version of the Protocol
uint8_t 1 packetNumber The package number incremented by the GameController
uint8_t 1 playersPerTeam The numbers of Players per Team
uint8_t 1 gameType The type of the game that is played.See @data.values.GameTypes for allowed values
uint8_t 1 state The state that the game is currently in.See @data.values.GameStates for allowed values
uint8_t 1 firstHalf Whether the game is in the first half (value=1) otherwise (value=0)
uint8_t 1 kickOffTeam The team number of the next team to kick off or DROPBALL
uint8_t 1 secondaryState The secondary state that the game is currently in.See @data.values.SecondaryGameStates for allowed values
char 4 secondaryStateInfo The secondary state information giving information about the state.See @data.states.SecondaryStateInfo or SecondaryStatesInfo for allowed values
uint8_t 1 dropInTeam number of team that caused last drop in
uint16_t 2 dropInTime number of seconds passed since the last drop in. -1 (0xffff) before first dropin
uint16_t 2 secsRemaining estimate of number of seconds remaining in the half
uint16_t 2 secondaryTime number of seconds shown as secondary time (remaining ready, until free ball, etc)
TeamInfo[2] - teams The information about both teams and their players