TeamInfo - RoboCup-Humanoid-TC/GameController GitHub Wiki


The size of the RobotInfo depends on the MAX_NUM_PLAYERS and the length of the coachMessage on SPL_COACH_MESSAGE_SIZE, which currently have the respective values visible below.

C-Type Bytes Identifier Explanation
uint8_t 1 teamNumber The unique number of the team
uint8_t 1 teamColour The type of the game that is played.
See @data.values.TeamColors for allowed values
uint8_t 1 score The team's score
uint8_t 1 penaltyShot The penalty shot counter
uint16_t 2 singleShots The bits represent penalty shot success
uint8_t 1 coachSequence sequence number of the coach's message
byte[253] 253 coachMessage The coach's message to the team

See @data.spl.SPLCoachMessage for more information
RobotInfo - coach the coach's message to the team
RobotInfo[11] - players The Player of the teams
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️