Step 8 - Riverside-Software/pugchallenge2019 GitHub Wiki

Promote local changes

Workshop hotfix

Go to Control Panel > User Accounts > Credential Manager > Windows Credentials. You will see 'gquerret' credentials in the list (e.g. git:https://). Delete this password.

End of hotfix

  • Back in the first Cmder tab, execute git status to see the pending changes:


  • Two files have to be committed, you can do that with git add build.xml Jenkinsfile && git commit -m "Build"

  • Then push the changes to the central repository with git push

  • You should then be able to see your commit in your own fork:


  • As Web Hooks were configured in GitHub, a signal is automatically sent to Jenkins when a new branch is available. This automatically triggers a build on Jenkins:


  • After a minute, the build should be completed, and the build artifact (i.e. the outcome of the build) is available for download:


  • Download the artifact, unzip it, and execute startDataDigger.bat ; the main window will appear after the initialization period:


The build artifact is only rcode and required files (images, configuration files, and so on). No source code is included in this package.

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