Remove Speed Shoes at Signpost Fix - RetroKoH/S1Fixed GitHub Wiki

(Original guide by Mercury)
Source: ReadySonic
Commit: d87d041

It's possible, especially in a layout hack, to have Super Shoes when you pass the end sign. This will make the Level Clear jingle play sped up, which is sort of silly. Fixing it is VERY easy, though despite the name of this fix, it actually has nothing to do with the Signpost. Clearing Speed Shoes at the Got Through card actually ensures that any end-of-level scenario will not have sped up music. This is fairly redundant though, as it is almost a certainty that you won't have speed shoes following a boss fight, AND releasing all animals. Anyway, open _incObj/3A Got Through Card.asm and right at the start of Got_Main, we're going to add one line:

+	move.w	#1,(v_player+obShoes).w
	movea.l	a0,a1
	lea	(Got_Config).l,a2
	moveq	#6,d1

And that's all there is to it!