Look Shift Fix - RetroKoH/S1Fixed GitHub Wiki
(Original guide by Mercury)
Source: ReadySonic
Commit: ba215cc
If Sonic looks up or down near the top or bottom of the Zone, the look shift will keep increasing even when the screen has reached the maximum position (whether at the top or bottom screen boundary). Then means that when Sonic stops looking, the screen will wait a beat or two before returning to the neutral position. This doesn't cause any problems, but it's annoying and it can be fixed.
In _incObj\Sonic Move.asm, at Sonic_LookUp, remove the lines in red and replace them with the lines in green:
btst #bitUp,(v_jpadhold2).w ; is up being pressed?
beq.s Sonic_Duck ; if not, branch
move.b #id_LookUp,obAnim(a0) ; use "looking up" animation
- cmpi.w #$C8,(v_lookshift).w
- beq.s loc_12FC2
+ move.w (v_screenposy).w,d0 ; get camera top coordinate
+ sub.w (v_limittop2).w,d0 ; subtract zone's top bound from it
+ add.w (v_lookshift).w,d0 ; add default offset
+ cmpi.w #$C8,d0 ; is offset <= $C8?
+ ble.s .skip ; if so, branch
+ move.w #$C8,d0 ; set offset to $C8
+ cmp.w (v_lookshift).w,d0
+ ble.s loc_12FC2
addq.w #2,(v_lookshift).w
bra.s loc_12FC2
Next, at Sonic_Duck make the following replacement:
btst #bitDn,(v_jpadhold2).w ; is down being pressed?
beq.s Sonic_ResetScr ; if not, branch
move.b #id_Duck,obAnim(a0) ; use "ducking" animation
- cmpi.w #8,(v_lookshift).w
- beq.s loc_12FC2
+ move.w (v_screenposy).w,d0 ; get camera top coordinate
+ sub.w (v_limitbtm2).w,d0 ; subtract zone's bottom bound from it (creating a negative number)
+ add.w (v_lookshift).w,d0 ; add default offset
+ cmpi.w #8,d0 ; is offset > 8?
+ bgt.s .skip ; if greater than 8, branch
+ move.w #8,d0 ; set offset to 8
+ cmp.w (v_lookshift).w,d0
+ bge.s loc_12FC2
subq.w #2,(v_lookshift).w
bra.s loc_12FC2