Leading Zeroes HUD - RetroKoH/S1Fixed GitHub Wiki

(Original guide by MarkeyJester)
Source: ReadySonic (Original Source unknown)
Original Commit: 3fd1570
This mod can be toggled in S1Fixed by setting HUDHasLeadingZeroes to 0 or 1.

A fun effect you can add to your HUD display is add leading zeroes to the numerical elements of the HUD, namely the Score, Rings, and Lives. It works a lot better if you have a darkened 0 for the leading zeroes, but this should be enough to at least get you started on such an effect. It's also very easy to do.

First, open _inc/HUD (part 2).asm and go to loc_1CAA2. Go ahead and comment out the first two lines. Now, open _inc/HUD Update.asm and go to loc_1C8FE. Again, comment out the first two lines. Yeah, that's literally all we are doing.

For reference, the two lines look something like this:

	tst.w	d4
	beq.s	<label>

I'll leave it up to you to expand upon this further! Happy modding!

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