Running Example Research SDK Programs - RethinkRobotics/sdk-docs GitHub Wiki


Outcome of this step

  • You have successfully commanded Baxter from a sample program running on the development workstation. Congratulations!

Running Examples with the RSDK


  • Initialize your environment:

Navigate to the proper directory:

    $ cd ~/ros_ws

For each new Terminal, Make sure you have edited your script, and then run:

    $ ./

For more details see Init your sdk environment

  • Build and Install all the example code (only need to do this once):
    $ catkin_make
    $ catkin_make install

Run a program!

Pick from any of the examples on the Example Programs page.

  • To run an example, use:
    $ rosrun <example_package> <example_program> [optional arguments]

Tip: Package names for most of the examples can be found under the 'ros_ws/src/baxter_examples' folder. Use <Tab> to Auto-Complete names.

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